Wahhabi peas?
#1. ?
#2. 4 1/2 months, not one arrest, we have zero direction, zero leadership, zero morale, and no change in sight. Promise after promise evaporates into "disinformation is necessary" and the big event is perpetually "next week will be REALLY big." It's never really big. Meanwhile net censorship goes off the rails, Kalifornia hits rock bottom, the MSM has not missed a beat, Great Britain announces up to 15 years in prison for VIEWING right wing content online, and the biggest news is that the Senate Intel Committee - NOT Mueller - has dropped the Russian Collusion story. Blind faith is demanded (trust the plan), no questions are allowed (you are court martialed if you ask), and the march toward Orwell's 1984 gains momentum every day. Google is effectively useless for searches because everything is censored, Twitter has all but fallen, YouTube has scrubbed all non-commie accounts except for clowns, and we don't have a single good guy victory to celebrate.
NOBODY wants the LARP theory to be true. But how long can we keep our heads in the sand before seeing the obvious? The bad guys get stronger every day and the good guys do more of nothing every day. That's the sad reality of it. And I'm a clown or a shill for seeing the obvious.
If you can't lead an army effectively, you lose them. We are without supplies, wholly demoralized and in total disarray.
At this point, slamming the messenger will not help. Encouragement and positive reminders will.
If it all falls and they know I posted here โฆ they'd be doing me a favor by taking me out. I have nothing to lose therefore nothing to be afraid of.
I'm mainly going by what is happening to this board - where Q posts. It used to be overrun with posts about digging and discovery and piecing things together. Sometimes a bread would fill up in thirty minutes. Now it's chaos. Nobody can question the patriotism here. Or the willingness to do more. But the primary drive is just gone. Even though nobody wants it to be. Again, maybe I'm just missing something big. This is why I'm talking about this stuff openly. I'm looking for a way back into having faith in all this.
Actually that isn't true at all. To function in this society you have to have a lot of trust in things you can't control.
This is helping. Thank you. Just HAVING this attitude helps to raise up the next guy. POTUS did have an awesome turnout for his PA rally and as always it was a joy listening to him speak. The tax cuts are history; they passed and that is that - a task the never could have happened if major changes didn't take effect. McStain voting for a tax cut? It was not business as usual. The Dems are DOING nothing. Just running their mouths as if nothing has changed.
So when you go to work, you have no faith that anybody else will be there, and no faith that you will eventually be paid.
The bad guys hang out here. We have to assume they don't do it for recreation. They do it because they get information they can't get anywhere else. POTUS and Q would obviously know this. Therefore it would be stupid and reckless for them to view this board as anything but a leash to lead the bad guys around with. This is going to have a huge impact on what is posted here by Q โฆ and when โฆ and when he falls silent.
What can they gain by it, except saying "Nyet, we do not use that nerve agent," when they're going to say that about ALL nerve agents.
How many from Russian Intelligence are hanging out on this board?
I don't know that anybody has ever thought about it.
>All the agencies are here lurking. You wouldn't believe it.
I'd believe that they're pretty bored about now. :D
Speak for yourself โฆ I AM an asshole with no heart. I hate everybody and if it weren't for my advanced age I would be actively recruited by all major intel agencies.
Do you think she can take one step without being tracked? If they let her go there was a beneficial reason for doing it. She must contact others and that will be noted.
Or maybe they're hoping somebody will decide she's too much of a liability and will take her out. Maybe they want to make that as uncomplicated as possible.
Thanks for the support when it's being asked for. You are truly one of a kind โฆ but not the kind who's going to be of any help to this effort.
It takes real balls to kick somebody who's down and asking for help to get back up.
Why are religious zealots so clingy about other people accepting their be-LIE-fs as ultimate truth? Seems like it would be kind of hard to lead a normal existence under those terms. They also LOVE a good fight. How very religious of them, I think I'll explore what they have to offer! Kick anybody's ass who doesn't blindly believe THEM! How cool is THAT?
Learn to function as a team and quit being a fucking crybaby faggot every time you can't ride for free on the work of others.
Maybe they could. My Army MOS required a TS clearance. They had to dig deeper than normal in my unit's case.
I have YOU beat. I'm not running around hitting others over the head while offering nothing else.
Those who can, do. Those who can't bark orders.
Maybe she got an RFID chip. Or Moloch himself will keep the white hats updated on her location.
Anybody who read the entire post would not be asking that question. You can start to become somebody who actually has value here (there is hope for everyone) by reading entire posts before lashing out at somebody. Women do that when PMS kicks in.
Bastards โฆ maybe. Ballsy? Maybe not. It doesn't take cajones to have a temper tantrum. It takes a spoiled brat who wasn't told "no" enough by mommy and daddy.
I wonder how many anons will even understand what's being said here? I don't agree with it โฆ POTUS himself is moving in the exact opposite direction, refinement over core animal nature; it's where patience and strategy come form.
Who even knows who is running Cicada? It's a very old "ritual" event and the winners are never heard from again. Reward? Or something else? I wouldn't want to find out the hard way.
The worst ones, the weakest ones, are the ones who throw fallen comrades under the bus so they can appear stronger. One option is to help the person up. Maybe when you're older and you no longer know everythingโฆโฆโฆ
Yes I could tell where your allegiances lie by the way you typed your capital "C." :) Maybe that's the Clown approach; derail the focus into bigotry that won't help Q or us get things done. I'm going to work on the Q map. SOMEBODY is going to have a breakthrough on that thing at some point โฆ must have questions, answers, news, and tweets. If any of those are missing it won't work.
I have this picture of fake Q being a 14 year old kid with a VPN whose parents have no idea that he's doing what he's doing. Probably could not be further from the truth.
Who can argue with this? The posts that would be be Q โฆ if Q were here โฆ are easy to spot from a mile away.
Just like with the map, I need to collect then read them all together. Which I'm heading off to do now.
(Setting down cartography toolsโฆ..)
It's this kind of post that puts out so much self control and focus, and keeps others going. THIS is leadership. It has impact and it's appreciated.
What if Q made the Clowns' Shill Manual Available On Line?
Let's all show special appreciation to our enforcer squad. These tireless, selfless individuals keep our board clean by picking up for the person who can no longer ban. They run off the bad apples. They tell us who is a problem and who is not. They know who is a shill and who is just having a bad day (actually both are treated the same). They keep us on our toes with their drill instructor, crude, Neanderthal approach to every situation, every person. Where would we be without their patriotic authority in running this board with an iron fist (even though they're just anons like the rest of us)!!!!