Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 2:48 a.m. No.649795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9815 >>9833 >>9881





There are ONLY two choices ANONS…Either…


#1. Shit is happening, e.g. Saudi, Vegas Shooting coming to light, NK, HRC video showing the highest levels of treason and most likely ordering a death, death penalty talk, and so forth, and it's about to get REAL, or…


#2. Trump and everyone around him is one of (((them))) and this is ALL a setup for some stupid reason when there are 10,000 different ways for (((them))) to wipe us out if Hillary one. It defies logic.


What else could it be??

Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 3:09 a.m. No.649840   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I believe that. So much going on beyond this realm it seems, although I do my best to remain pragmatic as possible.


It's rather thrilling, and it's been a whole lot of fun. I have laughed and learned MORE in the past 8 months that I have LIVED on theChans.


And there's been so many fascinating, and even scary times, this is the real deal. I can't wait to hear the WHOLE story. So many different perspectives.





Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 3:16 a.m. No.649860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9863 >>9870 >>9874



There's something about the Snowden angle that I just can't figure. The Dark Judge on Twatter suggests strongly that he was captured as an enemy combatant, but we ALL know that some of these top informants, Q included, ARE running disinfo for multiple reasons, and man that guy at the Trump rally sure looks like him.


I don't know, I tend towards being naive about the wicked nature of others, and want to believe in, and root for the crazy happy ending.


I know a LOT of people are going to be executed soon. I think it's important that it happens at GITMO. Keep it off of our shores. But, I don't treasure the idea, although THIS IS WAR.


Sigh…Time to harden the fuck up.


Drive On Patriots.

Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 3:23 a.m. No.649872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9883 >>9900 >>0021 >>0448



I don't see what you're seeing AT ALL. The bad guys are FAR from getting stronger. MSM is DYING. My People are supplied and ready to move. I don't want you to feel this way if it's your honest feelings and NOT an attempt to seed and nurture the very demoralization that you are experiencing.


This is the part where tensions rise.





You saw the crowd in PA when POTUS mentioned the death penalty. I love the sensitive and caring Human Heart, and it fucking blows that we're here, but here we are.


This is WAR. And right now, IMO, the ONLY thing lacking is the OUTRAGE that the coming moves demand of The American People. I KNOW their hearts will rise if cornered, but I'd rather not go there. None of us do. But if THAT is what it's going to take to ACTIVATE the American People…I would imagine that's what is coming. I will NEVER underestimate My President & CinC.


My .02.

Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 3:32 a.m. No.649896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906 >>9911 >>0288



No, probably not. I don't want to slide the board. But MAYBE. POTUS is what 3/4 of the way to bringing world peace, and is ALREADY the Greatest President of All time in my layman's opinion. Why start doubting now?? Look where we've COME from, and look where we are.


BUT…Let's get real. You GOTTA have a Storm right?? Let's say there are 8,000 REALLY bad actors in America, and /OurGuys/ have it ALL on (((them))), the "kingpin" types, then there are what, maybe 40,000 supporting bad actors??


Do you go after just a few of them?? Using standard courts, where the wealthy can drag cases out, especially in corrupt districts, for EONS, if not get straight up acquittals via their bad actor judge buddy or jury tampering/intimidation.


18,000+ Indictments.

1.2 Million PAGE OIG report.

11,000+ Page EO of REALLY bad actors worldwide (Not sure what the last numbers were, I haven't seen an update on this or the OIG report in over a week)


It just seems like we're almost there. But I'm just guessing. Who knows?? LOL!! KEK!!

Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.649978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9987 >>9995



I follow the company and several of their crew on Instagram. They look high speed to the max. I hope they reach their goal. We NEED good strong American companies RAN by veterans HIRING veterans.


I haven't vetted every part of them yet, but it does my heart good ya know?? I have a passion for ALL of our veterans. God knows we've ALL gotten trampled on, but Dear God ya know??

Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.650091   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I offer you my support if your concern is genuine. But come on, this ANON nailed it…




My eyes are bleary and I pass out every 30-50 hours, and my toes are numb and blah blah blah…BUT WHAT IS THAT compared to what our military has been put through and are going through right now??


It's been 13 MONTHS since POTUS got elected. These "people" have ruled the world for like, ever, and they are bad, and will do ANYTHING.


What did you expect?? This is moving at miraculous speed. And I DO mean "MIRACULOUS."


Drive on.

Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.650124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0153



100%. I laughed a little at all the people who were freaking out about "doxxing" myself early on. I doxxed myself back in the 80's. I've been as much of a pain as is humanly possible to "the machine", and I've done a damn fine job red-pilling the masses, and frankly, I can't believe I'm still here. It's gotten pretty spooky a lot of times, but I've always slipped away.


With that said, the world was going to end. Our nation was fucked. I've heard rumors that SHIT TONS of MS-13 and more weaponized sorts of "humble immigrants" were just waiting for HRC's election to come POURING in. All the bad actors that have been brought down or cut off would have been moving FULL SPEED AHEAD themselves, and shit, I don't know ANYTHING.


We were as good as dead anyway. But now…





Anonymous ID: fc2cf9 March 13, 2018, 5:05 a.m. No.650323   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree. This was right on. I haven't even come close to catching up or grasping exactly what's going on, but I Honor and Thank all you who contributed.

