Anonymous ID: 932c6f May 14, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6498503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Despite a spike in tensions between Iran and the US, the two nations won’t engage in a military conflict – but there will also be no new nuclear deal, Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has said.

“There won’t be any war. The Iranian nation has chosen the path of resistance,” Khamenei said as cited by Iran’s state TV.


“We don't seek a war, and they don't either,” he added, insisting that the Americans are well aware that a military confrontation with Iran is “not in their interests.”


READ MORE: NATO ally Spain pulls warship from US strike group ‘to avoid being dragged into conflict with Iran’


The Supreme Leader also said that Tehran won’t engage in any talks on signing a new nuclear deal with Washington. “[Such] negotiations are a poison,” Khamenei said.

Anonymous ID: 932c6f May 14, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.6498665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

James Clapper, in an interview with John Berman on CNN, was asked about the attorney general appointment of U.S. Attorney John Durham for the job to investigate how the “FBI Russia Investigation started”.


"Do you think this kind of investigation is warranted?"

“You’re going to have to stand in line and take a number to do an investigation of the investigators” said Clapper.


“There is a substantial investigation, which as I understand it, is nearing completion, being conducted by the Justice Department Inspector General,” Clapper said.


“I’d wait for the outcome of that to determine if there needs to be more investigations.”


But then Clapper shifted stance, repeating the old mantra, that Mueller has denied in his report:


"We're kinda losing sight of what was the cause of all this, the predicate for all this, was the Russians and the dozens of occasions where Russian operatives tried to engage with the Trump campaign…


The Russians were attacking the US election system on a rather massive scale through social media, through RT…"


"That was a profound threat to our entire election system and still is. People should pay more attention to Volume 1 of the Mueller Report and what the Russians did… we are losing sight of that."

