Anonymous ID: bae5ae May 14, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6498623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8682

>>6496273 (pb)

Is it really any surprise? By now it should be obvious one of the essential reasons for Q (mil intel) doing what they're doing is to uncover/illuminate the extent to which people can become compromised. That includes people of good will and intentions such as people following and supporting the Q effort. If you are at all a student of moral and ethical compromise through out human history, and specifically western culture's roots documented within the Bible, then it shouldn't be that much of a surprise. Read through those books and chapters and you'll find the same thinking and behavior, even among people of good will and intentions. All of us, you, me, POTUS, Q. you name it, we're all prone to compromise.


Knowing that, nothing changes my current focus and mission, to expose and take down the current top tier pyramid controllers. those above me assuming power over me. That's the only thing I can do, and what we've been asked to do here. If that means joining in the battle with compatriots who may otherwise be wingnuts or compromised, then so be it. We'll deal with that element later, and far less harshly than what's coming for the loud and proud cabalist rats in the spotlight. In the meantime, fight on!