fuck you krassfag, neck yourself bitch.
the end won't be safe for you so keep it up.
The glow is strong in this copypasta.
Never gave up any actual evidence yet had multiple chances and platforms.
At 32:00 in last video said he would not be around to see this "new world".
Pay attention to the subtle things.
[IK] never has been nor ever will be /ourguy/
I knew he was full of shit when he first came out and I pushed for him to go on AJ's show to expose Hwood.
I sent him some info about Dan Harmon and others, to which he replied "don't send me this shit".
He didn't want to expose a fucking thing and even admits he sold anons out for money.
Every. Single. Time.
But the followers are cucked to call them out because of 'muh wayciss' bullshit pushed by (((them.
None of them give a shit about the goy, none.
Tick tock, mother fucker.
I'm American therefore my masters are NONE.
Unlike you with your copypasta and certified PR propaganda.
Bill Clinton Ukraine.
That's how they roll.
>If you're not pro-israel then you're anti-American
>If you're not pro-xstain then you're a crazy atheist
>If you speak against subversive and destructive zionism you must be a muzzie
Literally all Laura Jewmer talking points.
I already told you I'm not human and that I come from the timeline in the years after 3000, sent back to warn humans.
It also ties BC with Iran.
I bet Paul Bremer, Richard Dearlove, and others are on the hot seat.
Qud's force is where the problem lies with Iran.
That is their back channel.
Anyone who pushes that term is either a medianigger, agencynigger, famenigger, bluechecknigger, or usefulidiotnigger. It's a cheap term used to discredit damning information.
Same way the C_A uses the term "conspiracy theorist" to discredit whistleblowers.