From Kappy's thread when he posted the timeline.
Some archived 4chan threads…
>ISAAC KAPPY NAMES THe Hollywood pedo
Here's the timeline. An anon helped me organize it to make it easier for you to research. He provided annotations [like this] to give you insight on where to look to confirm parts of my story.
March 19th, 2017
I went to a party at Seth Green and Clare Grant’s Malibu house.
>[Can we find this address?]
I hitched a ride there with Tyler Shields and Ana Mulvoy-Ten >[Look up everything about Tyler Shields in particular]
The night ended with only Seth, myself and Seth’s brother-in-law, Bill Johnson.
As we were about to leave, Seth pulled back a book case revealing a secret room.
>[Zoning laws in Malibu might require such remodeling to be registered]
He then said “This is where we keep the children!”
There was another room with a lot of bunk beds (Possibly for guests) but the top room in the house was decorated with a kids theme with stuffed animals everywhere. Also as we were leaving I noticed a VERY bad smell, it smelled like something had died.
Wanting to believe it was all a joke, I tried to put the secret room and children comment out of my mind. However, this was not an option after the following conversation at Seth and Clare’s house on
April 18th, 2017
While eating dinner with Seth and Clare, Seth said “We need to have a talk about chicken.” Having researched pedophile rings I suspected that "chicken" was a codeword for "children".
>[Can we confirm this lingo because wouldn't this mean his show really means Robot Children?]
During that conversation everything hit me like a ton of bricks. He told me that they were into having sex with children.
>[Any Google/Facebook/Amazon employees have access to whatever smartphone microphones picked up?]
I asked him if they were involved in sacrifices and rituals. He said they weren’t, but they rape kids, so maybe they were lying about that too? Who knows.
April 21st, 2017
Seth sent me a group text between himself, Clare and me sharing a link to an Entertainment Weekly article.
>[Can Kappy give screen caps of that text?]
In that post is some of my art work, with the implication that he got it placed in EW
The very first comment on the article was from “The Illuminati” Facebook page. Yes, the official Facebook account of the illuminati.
>[This comment might exist in an archive somewhere and if not, we can narrow down Facebook groups calling themselves "The Illuminati" There's probably a bunch of them.]
I went to the Facebook page and all of the posts seemed tailored to my specific circumstances.
The post that stood out the most was one that said "Join the Illuminati, you will get $250k dollars a year, any car you want and live anywhere in the world." There was another post that said something to the effect of “It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your position, you can make all of your dreams come true" (The comments on the EW article have since been scrubbed.)