This Kappy “suicide” doesn’t sit right with me.
I’ve highlighted some things in his post that stick out to me. Add that information with his video saying he “wasn’t suicidal” & that Q would “put brackets around him”….he is clearly trying to paint a picture to connect this board & Q to him.
We all know that Q said,at one tim, the brackets were “kill brackets” (not exact quote.)
Now add all that information with the immediate push on social media to tie his suicide with 8Chan makes me think this is all set up to try & tie Q into being the one who killed Kappy (Kappy wrote “execute” in his post- see highlighted areas) or being the push that made Kappy kill himself (“suicide week”).
Keep an eye on this story bc this doesn’t feel right Anons.
Also, WTF is up with the “reincarnation” part?