Is it possible that another angel, a known liar, lied to Mohammad and only said his name was Gabriel?
When in fact that angel was Shaitan, and lied about it?
Is that possible, in a universe where everything is possible?
Is it possible that another angel, a known liar, lied to Mohammad and only said his name was Gabriel?
When in fact that angel was Shaitan, and lied about it?
Is that possible, in a universe where everything is possible?
Meth is a hellova drug.
I think you can take what the true followers of Jesus do, and the true followers of Mohammad to, and compare and contrast the two groups rather easily. After all, they both pivot around Jesus.
So [RR] and Mueller went into the Trump meeting wired.
Wow, your understanding of these parables is really bad.
Jesus said "love your neighbor". The people said "who is my neighbor?"
Then Jesus told the story of two well respected people in Hebrew society who couldn't be bothered helping a man beaten and robbed, but the outcast, exiled Samaritan did. And he went above and beyond.
So when asked which of the three men were the beaten man's neighbor, the Jew had to say "the one who helped him", because he still couldn't bring himself to say "Samaritan".
You people who hate Jews should know that you're no better than they were, and in most cases, exponentially worse.
Oh, shit, you're right. "Accidentally" left it there, which is a great way to find out what someone says about you after you leave the room.
If someone continually says that they are not suicidal, they are suicidal.
>THIS father's patience has reached it's limits. You will know my name soon. Mark my fucking words.
Not really expecting much out of someone who let their kid be abused for years.
We're so stinkin' far away from that. Guessing 70 years, so, 2071.
If I thought God was as you described him, I would not be a Christian.
If there is a god that is described as you descrivbe him, I would call him the devil.
Maybe put this energy into protecting your children.
t. Man whose children were not abused for years.
I did not speak as to anyone's understanding of a former Catholic, only the parable.
Deprivation of rights under color of authority.
Prosecutorial misconduct.
Calm down, Francis. If I took your post seriously, you'd already be v&.
You're here to make us look like violent lunatics, remember?
Why does it have so many tailored trends for you already, if your account is so new?
The same people that always are?
There will just be another No Name/Mittens/Puppet tho
You have that backwards, newfag.
Lurk more.
Not everyone who tells a "personal story" on this site is telling the truth.
In this case, it is demonstrable that this person has no abused children, and is about to commit no massive act of violence.
He was instructed to post as he is in order to taint the entire site.
Learn when you're under fire.
Or lurk more.
Lurking more is good.
Then you were never here when breads filled up in five minutes.
Everything you said about me is false.
But everything else is true?
What are the odds of that, do you think?
Correct. In the words of the immortal C.S. Lewis, Jesus is either Lord, or a Liar, or a Lunatic; he did not leave room for any other possibility.
Accusations without facts or evidence.
Name calling without bases.
Which side of this war do you think you're on, again?
Yes, a profound misunderstanding of the parable, which I posted about above.
Don't worry about protecting Zion.
God will do that himself.
Count on it.
Make for some cheap US T bonds, for one. Good thing to buy on the cheap.