Anonymous ID: aaba1f May 14, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.6500260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0277

>>6499877 lb

Well, you're quite the motivated one.

I'm not saying that ebot should be "listened to" or taken as some kind of source of information. If you want to call it anti-POTUS, you can - but it basically just says distasteful things that are surface level insults.


If you are going to start questioning things, then questioning your own understanding of what is in front of you is a good place to start.


>>6499874 lb

Well, if you want the condensed summary… There are no "good guys" and "bad guys" when it comes to the major institutions of our world both public and 'secret.'


Your "big three" religions are all direct offshoots/evolutions of the Egyptian Pharisee. It's in the book of Revelation if you don't believe me and need an article of your faith to wrap your mind around it. The wise saw what would happen even back then, that the Pharisee would come to rule the world after obtaining the authority of Rome. Rather than continue Rome as a nation, they converted it to a religion and burned the records of the original Christian groups before installing their own variation with the emperor at its head.

The sun may never set on the british empire, but all roads lead to rome, you will find.


Anyway - the masons came from the English and Scottish resistance to this system among the tradesmen. As other lines if scholars and old families joined the ranks of this resistance, their own histories of resisting The Beast were incorporated into the mythos of their masonic chapters, many of whom originate from or found inspiration in the 'cult' of Prometheus.


The athletes who carried the torch prior to Olympic games were all from the cult of Prometheus, the titan who tricked Zeus and gave humanity fire. This has also become associated with the gift of the fruit of knowledge to humanity - and thus why masons are quite likely "the original edge-lords" in that their view is that Lucifer is akin to Prometheus.

Of course, the old fruit of knowledge from that time period and region is the Pomegranate, the fruit Persephone ate one seed from - and the seeds look like little red pills.

There is an old church by the name of "Our Lady of the Pomegranate."


When discussing the concept of good and evil, it is best to get rid of labels and move to actual descriptions of behavior. Their version of Lucifer - whether you find the label in good taste or not - is not the same concept as "satan." They do not believe in human sacrifices and do not believe in the authoritarian rule over humanity by man or god.


They are not a perfect group, and there exists evil among them… But the same can be said of the church, which believes in feeding people's souls to a god of harvest (saturn… Saturday… Sabaath… Not hard) and has rampant abuse of its members by the clergy.

Despite the fact the church has been wholly constructed by evil and satanic influences - it has remained full of good people trying to achieve good in the world and in their own lives. The protestant reformation loosened the grip the Pharisee had on the church, somewhat, but the deception on that front is rather complete.


No one actually reads the prophets or what Jesus, himself, was saying. They focus on the whole harvest of souls aspect and miss the whole point of what people were being saved from….

But whatevs.



If you understand symbolism, then you know why the embassy was moved to Jerusalem. See above. Read the prophets and it will become clear what is meant. The harlot.


At the same time, we can't ignore the fact that there are real people caught up in all aspects of this deception. Israel can't be dismantled because Iran wants it to be and Dirka-stan is killing people over it. All aspects of it have to be neutralized. In most cases, you aren't going to change what someone believes.


The average person is not going to accept "the god your institution was built around was a god of sacrifice and death that is evil and benefits only the ruling caste… If even that." They believe their god is good and righteous… And for the most part, what they worship is their own projection of a higher entity… Not the one that is actually honored through symbols or description. So - they aren't exactly wrong.


Expecting three to four billion people to simply up and discard their religious beliefs is unreasonable. As such, this will take a little finesse.

Anonymous ID: aaba1f May 14, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6500450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0461 >>0469 >>0486 >>0512


Are you aware of "Operation Ajax" and the connections Khomeni has to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Do you know the name Hassan Al Banna?

Iran = North Korea = CIA.

Iran's entire economy is basically a CIA slush fund.


This is part of why you are not seeing rapid movement on a number of issues. It is also why "Welcome to Persia" was used. Things must be structured properly to destroy the cabal's influence.