Anonymous ID: 44d5be May 14, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.6500743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0845 >>1215



>>6500056 pb


Your Trump = Jew puppet like it says in Protocols argument actually is an argument that has not been countered effectively on 8 chan.


Trump didn't ever say "Fuck Israel".


We said "Trump should Fuck Israel", and what Q did was simply see what we wanted to hear, because many here have the standard, old-fashioned values of the standard conspiracy researchers, and what we wanted to hear was Fuck Israel, Fuck Rothschild, Fuck Soros.


All we have to combat the claim that Trump is a Jew Puppet like every single President for decades or centuries is something like "Q said we're saving Israel for last because we have to". And we or they who argue the Q case rest on Q said something, and it isn't particularly ridiculous. But I don't think that's true. It looks a heck of a lot more like Trump is a Jew puppet.


Remember, much of what Q has said hasn't happened.


Q jumps up and down over on 4 chan about big things are about to happen. Podesta and Huma were supposed to be arrested within a week. Didn't happen.


What Q was doing was making a bet that Trump would do something to honor his major campaign promises of LOCK HER UP and DRAIN THE SWAMP. So, Q types whatever, and somehow he's getting credit for whatever it is that Trump does to honor his campaign promises, I guess.


But, quickly, within the first month over at 4 chan, Q is telling stories that Trump is going to get Rothschilds and Trump is going to get Soros and Trump is going to solve all the problems that we, seasoned conspiracy theorists over at 4 chan, had identified long ago. Conspiracy theorists know that Israel, Jews, Rothschild, Soros, Illuminati, what we settled on as "CABAL" are the bad guys. So Q reads what we wrote, and came back with "Trumps gonna fix it". But Trump never said that, and it doesn't look at all that Trump is doing any of that. It looks like Trump hires neocons like Bolton for foreign policy, and Israel loves it when the US uses their military for them.


Maybe Q is just full of shit, he might have some sort of inside track with a white house intern in the communications department. Maybe.


Doesn't mean we shouldn't be here, that it isn't worthwhile.


Even if Q is full of it, it's worthwhile because

1) Free speech

2) Jew bashing wins here

3) The other people are like minded, they want to Lock Her Up and Drain The Swamp

4) We get some news here, news you won't necessarily find here.

5) Things have gotten shittier in the last 2 years, and if this place is plently flawed, places like Facebook and Twitter and so much else have gotten shittier.


There are other good reasons too, but a longer list isn't needed.

Anonymous ID: 44d5be May 14, 2019, 6:30 p.m. No.6500881   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Really, I'm going to look that up.


Because he's Trump. If he's actually a US citizen. And if he doesn't win, he's out there telling the truth about Jews.

Anonymous ID: 44d5be May 14, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.6501319   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Isaac Kappy Dead, Actor Reportedly Jumped Off Bridge In Arizona


The 42-year-old actor was a believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory, and had accused Tom Hanks and others of pedophilia.