Anonymous ID: f0b229 May 14, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6500728   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0776

Tel Aviv Is Afraid of “The Axis of Resistance”


The Australian political economist and author Professor, Tim Anderson, has emphasized that the Zionist entity is afraid of the unrelenting Palestinian resistance, of Syria’s looming victory and of an enhanced Axis of Resistance facing the occupied parts of Lebanon and Syria.


“Tel Aviv has looked to Trump for reassurance, but the US leader’s gestures over Jerusalem and the occupied Golan have no force in international law,” the professor told the Syria Times e-newspaper


He went on to say:


“Given that Washington (whether under Bush, Obama or Trump) has done nothing to restrain the extended colonization and attempted ethnic cleansing on the West Bank, it is hard to imagine that The Kushner Plan (given a name which sounds like a TV game show) could do much more than throw some money around; all the more humiliating that this seems likely to be Arab (Saudi) money and perhaps a little Arab (Egyptian) land.”


The professor believes that all the recent statements from the Trump regime (on Jerusalem, on the occupied Syrian Golan and on some new yet-to-be-explained promises over Palestine) run in parallel to the violent expeditions by the Netanyahu regime.


Asked about the purpose of the Zionist entity’s recent intensive strikes on Gaza strip in the occupied Palestine, prof. Anderson said:


“The Zionists seem to believe, as do most fascist regimes, that an extremely vicious response to what they regard as the slightest provocation will act to terrorize the population and so repress all forms of resistance. While there are constant acts of resistance within occupied Palestine, the series of Israeli massacres in Gaza have demonstrated extreme and disproportional brutality. “


“Ruthless Reprisal”


He underlined that civilian casualties amongst Palestinians are, by all accounts, the great majority of Israel’s victims.

“The United Nations reported that “at least” 1,483 (67%) of the 2,205 Palestinians killed in Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza were civilians, while only 4 (6%) of the 71 Israelis killed were civilians. (See this). So, contrary to much of the western media hype, the Palestinian resistance uses far more targeted violence compared to that of the Zionist forces. Notice though that the Zionist kill ratio in 2014 was more than 30 to one,” the professor clarified.


He referred to the fact that the Netanyahu regime since then has enhanced its policy of ruthless reprisal.

“In March the Zionist intelligence site Debka reported (see this) that “a new IDF policy had gone into force for hitting back at all manifestations of Palestinian terror”. This has resulted in immediate attacks “even though there were no Israeli casualties”. The same site noted multiple small acts of resistance, and that “thousands of convicted terrorists in Israeli jails [were] restive over cutbacks in their privileges”.

Anonymous ID: f0b229 May 14, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.6500810   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0822 >>0831 >>0973 >>1018 >>1040 >>1065

Coke Billionaire Arrested With $1.3 Million In Cannabis On His Private Jet


Insert your inevitable "mile high club" jokes here.


Billionaire Alkiviades “Alki” David was detained in the Caribbean after a search of his private jet found approximately 5000 cannabis plants, worth about $1.3 million, according to The Vancouver Sun. David belongs to the Leventis family, who is worth almost $6 billion as a result of their massive commercial bottling facility in Europe recently merging with Coca-Cola.


David was arrested by the anti-narcotics unit at Robert L. Bradshaw international airport and has been charged with Possession with Intent to Supply, Possession of Controlled Drugs and Importation of a Controlled Drug into the Federation after his plane was stopped by customs authorities on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts.


His business partner, Chase Ergen, heir to a satellite fortune, was also arrested, according to the Daily Mail. David was also traveling with Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his family.