Anonymous ID: f66eff May 14, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.6501078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Philippines is considering action on the Manila-based internet forums 4chan and 8chan, which were used by the accused Christchurch mosque shooter to spread his manifesto and livestream the attacks.

And the former Australian race relations commissioner said governments and social media companies everywhere were grappling with how best to tackle online extremism.

The founder of 8chan, Fredrick Brennan, who quit in 2016, told RNZ from his home in the Philippines last month that he logged into 8chan following the Christchurch mosque attacks and found people celebrating and inciting further violence.

Other mass murderers, such as the man who killed nine people at a Charleston church shooting in 2015, have been strongly linked with 4chan.

The website's owner, Jim Watkins, who is also thought to be based in Manila, publicly denied any responsibility for the Christchurch shootings.

Faysaleyyah Abdullah, from the Philippines National Defence Department, said there was a growing consensus that public-private partnerships were needed to address extremists' use of the forums to share disturbing content.


"We continue to monitor these websites [4chan and 8chan] but as to whether those websites are actually taken down, that is why we want to enhance legislation - it is currently being reviewed.

"But whether it has any results on the use of social media remains to be seen."

Counterterrorist authorities had been raising concerns for some time about how Facebook was being used as a platform for radicalisation and reinvestment, she said.