It all just clicked using simple logic.
Was it the Saudi Purge
Muslim Brotherhood Purge?
MB had control of US politicians!
The goal of the muslim brotherhood is to infiltrate government from the inside out.
Obama was groomed by Al Waleed to become president of the United States.
Obama is a Muslim!
Obama is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Valerie Jarrett knew Michelle Obama before she had even met Barack Obama.
FOR 8 YEARS! Barack Obama crippled the United States and we had no clue. We were sheep that read read headline news and loved our "great" president because Anderson Cooper told us to.
(In charge of IT and set up Hussein and Huma comms)
Hillary would take fall if they got caught.
Hillary was a puppet and her handler was
Who was married to Huma?
How do you blackmail/silence someone?
Does Weiner know the truth?
Did Anthony Weiner mail his own laptop to the FBI?
Was Weiner continuously blackmailed and bribed?
Where were his pictures to minors sent from?
Who has major ownership stake in twitter?
Al Waleed?
Control over twitter account to frame Weiner and threaten.
The public immediately believes MSM sexual assault claims and labels those charged guilty.
The truth is silenced and those inside remain in charge.
All roads lead back to the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating our government!
Why are there all the resignations?
They were Puppets that we're controlled by $$ and bribed with a scandal if they don't cooperate.
They went running!
You must first clean Husseins dirty corrupt Muslim Brotherhood infested FBI, DOJ, etc…. Before moving forward.
I know all of you Anons want to see these American politicians arrested but can any of you imagine?
Can any of you think what you would do when you are told to do xyz…..Or else we will murder your child or we will create a scandal/crime and you will go to jail for life.
Imagine being a clean investigator in the FBI!
Living in fear.
Those who know cannot sleep!
Constant threats if you do not cooperate.
Wake up Anons!
We have been asleep since 2008.
Our beloved POTUS is saving our future.