Anonymous ID: 7c7910 May 15, 2019, 5:14 a.m. No.6503850   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Imagine if they understood enough so as to make sure retention levels and memory passed on from mother to child was affected negatively….as in not simply supplying metals to the brain, but actually altering DNA.


Hard to reset a species when the older generation is capable of making sure the younger generation knows a few tricks…they took care of that basically via programming and a lifetime of metal intake including metal fillings, which damn near ALL adults over 30 have to this day due to "cavities"…since the older gen is taken care of, and shit is getting hectic for them, they have no choice anymore but to do shit like Monsanto, chemtrails, and the all time fav….vaccines to make sure the younger gen not only loses capability to fight and survive, but also so that the offspring are affected with or without the programming, indoctrination, and barrage of poisons…

Long winded, I know, but when I get a feeling, I get the picture nice and clear in my mind, and relay to others requires long winded shit.


JMO, of course.