Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 5:20 a.m. No.6503872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911 >>3931 >>4412

Anons looking into Flagstaff/Camp Navajo.

Remember their symbolism.

Pyramid emanating symbolic light passing through a keystone/archway.

Opus one: Bushes represent the light, that which illuminates them,

the keystone (between the grassy buildings) represents the people they control (masons) through which the 'light' passes to them.

the pyramid found in the center of the winery under the circle (it's a literal pyramid inside the building),

the pyramid represents the eye of providence.

The actual hierarchy of POWER,

This is the structure of evil. Our journey is descending down this pyramid to destroy each level.

Its at places like OPUS ONE that they perform their rituals to collectivize their intent.

To garner blackmail, to ensure the stability of their evil deeds.

If the true light, the light from the people, the focus of the collective consciousness which they strive to control so eagerly…

if this turns to them it will burn their wicked ways. They wont be able to walk the streets.

Light to dark.

So remember their symbols. The pyramid is the power, the archway is the industry/infrastructure of control. The keystone are their slaves that do their bidding. The light is the actual focus of the collective people, the controlled.

Break free.

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.6503951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3972 >>4019


There's a resort called Keystone Resort to the west of where this line passes,

Owned by Vail Resorts.

It's precisely where the one stringer would end.

Is there one to the east?

Is denver Airport the keystone in this scenario?

40,000 ft view of course.

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 6:23 a.m. No.6504033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4057 >>4071


Illuminati consider themselves the eye of providence.

Floating above the hierarchy of competency.

This is the hierarchy of power.

Their history with the Masons is that of control.

The recognition that a pleb mason can create something great such as the keystone technology.

The keystone allows for archways to allow light into their temples.

Hence the 'illuminated.'

Illuminated with light from the slaves they control building archways.

So if the neighborhood in Camp Navajo is a pyramid,

the symbolism shows that there must be an emanation of light pointing through an archway.

The symbolism being a KEYSTONE through which the light (knowledge) passes.

If the helper anon emphasized 40k ft view they did so for a reason.

So where is the pyramid pointing? On a 40k ft scale.

Denver. More specifically, Denver International Airport. I shit you not.

If Denver International Airport is at the end of the line to which this pyramid points, then to either side, on 40k ft scale, there should be keystone references.

Keystone Resort owned by Vail Resorts.

Founded by Ralston-Purina Company, which merged with Nestle.

Swampy as fuck.

Located just to the west of this line "emanating" from the keystone to the pyramid to illuminate it.

Symbolism will be their downfall because it will allow us to make connections otherwise hiding within the symbolic level.

My bet is we'll find a swampy keystone reference to the SOUTH EAST of denver international airport.

Any ideas?

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.6504057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4064 >>4082 >>4100



They value super premium products and services.

Luxury hotels, wines, bourbons, yachts

They value it because the inherent value is SUBJECTIVE.

And when you control the focus of the collective mind with MSM/Hollywood, you can generate collective subjective value.

Any marketer knows this. You can manipulate the people to believe something is more valuable than it tangibly is.

Why is opus one the top of the hierarchy of wine?

Because it's that good?

It's good, but it's value reflects more the SUBJECTIVE value and competition for status.

Everyone wants to climb the hierarchy and consuming their valuable products is a big part of the game.

So where is the, SUBJECTIVELY, most valuable ski resorts?

Vail. Notorious.

Keystone Resort owned by vail….

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.6504071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4087 >>4234 >>4476 >>4489





Denver International Airport is the KEYSTONE to which the PYRAMID at Camp Navajo is pointed!

To the WEST of the airport you find the KEYSTONE RESORT.



Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.6504141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4487


I would imagine it would be to the same scale as the keystone resort is to the airport.

That puts you about 70 miles to the south south east of the airport.

Just outside of Colorado Springs.

There's a place called Black Forest lol. I'm going to keep looking.

You'll want to find keystone references or symbols.

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6504167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4386


Okay, to the south south east are a TON of references to keystone in Colorado Springs.

So basically the pyramid in NM to the south west poitns directly through this archway in pic related.

So what is the masonic symbolism of an archway?

I know from the OPUS ONE dig that there's rumors there are rituals held in the private rooms that flank the keystone.

Does that make Keystone Resorts and Colorado Springs the ritual places at this scale?

And Denver International the actual Keystone?

The ammo depot in NM pointing here…what's its significance?

Source of power to the cabal?

What is stored there? who contracts at the industrial park there?

Is this the interface of Cabal and Mil?

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.6504257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do what Q says in drop 144

>40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

>Paint the picture.

>Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

So we just found their symbolic archway tied to Denver International.

I know from previous digs that the subjective value is the top of each individual pyramid of competency.

The top of wine is OPUS ONE.

Rothschilds coown it.

With Constellation Brands, a swampy as fuck organization.

So when you dig into the Keystone Resort you find

it's owned by Vail Resorts - Worth digging into

It was founded by Max Dercum - Tied to Penn State (Mellon territory!) - Worth digging

It was owned by Ralston-Purina Company now owned by Nestle - Worth digging.

If Nestle has operations in Flagstaff near the pyramid, that is suspicious as fuck and almonds are now activated.

Through Nestle we have connections between Camp Navajo and Keystone Resort in CO (formerly owned by an acquired company by Nestle).

These are juicy digs. I have NO DOUBT we will find more.

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.6504445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4468 >>4479

So if the helperanon this morning means anything


The pyramid near Camp Navajo is pointing at Denver International Airport.

Flanking the airport at this scale, in the shape of an archway, are two areas with major keystone references.

Keystone Resort - previously owned by Ralston-Purina Company now owned by Nestle. = Swamp

The International airport is notorious in its own right.

So what in Colorado Springs is swamp enough for this to make sense?

Look for Keystone references!

And why did Kappy commit suicide or "suicide" just outside of the pyramid in Camp Navajo?

Attention. To pull our attention.

So what can we learn from this 40k ft view?

these areas need major digging, find how they're connected (I would start with Nestle):

Camp Navajo

Keystone Resort in Keystone, CO

Colorado Springs, CO

Denver International Airport

I would look into Ralstonism, Ralson-Purina Company, NESTLE, Vail Resorts who now own Keystone Resorts

I know the CO area is MAJOR mil central so is this area the connection between swamp and MIL? (shooting from the hip here)

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.6504479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4497 >>4516


Sauce on Vail = Rockefellers?

Because if so Rockefellers = Standard Oil

Standard Oil = Mellon Bank financing.

Mellon Bank = Westinghouse, Alcoa, Heinz, CBS CORPORATION

Mellon Bank = Bank of New York Mellon

= Carnegie, STEEL

Major implications.

Sauce Rockefeller = Vail!

Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.6504497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4516




Can you Sauce Rockefeller = Vail?

Because that implys

Rockefeller Vail > Vail Resorts > Keystone Resort > Ralston-Purina Company > Nestle

It also implies Rockefeller Standard Oil/ExxonMobil > Mellon Bank > Mellon Family > Carnegie/Heinz/Alcoa

This connects thsoe trying to WEAKEN STEEL


Anonymous ID: e50279 May 15, 2019, 8:02 a.m. No.6504538   🗄️.is 🔗kun



AB-INBEV is a MAJOR donor to CF just before the WORLDS BIGGEST BEER DEAL.

AB-INBEV contracted US sales right of GROUPO MODELO brands to CONSTELLATION BRANDS

CB is partner in OPUS ONE with ROTHSCHILD

CB owners are MAJOR hillary donors VERY early in her senate career.

The have an affinity for "Pencil of Promise"

Whatever the fuck pencils are.

Holy fuck this is big.