Maybe it was Russians who killed the spy. But not sent by Putin. If we have rouge CIA russia could have all kinds of rouge shit going on. Jewish Oligarchs up to dirty tricks as they fear a global debt forgiveness….they would do anything to keep their ill gotten gains. They went to all that effort to steal it I think they will try hard to keep it. They cant imagine trying to live like normies at all. That thought of living like a normie is horrifying to them.
Any chance Adolf Hitler was kept out of the loop with dealing with the OSS and Donovan and Dulles? Any chance Adolf was betrayed by hidden cabal people? Like Himmler? Always wondered about the bullshit story they gave when Himmler turned himself in. Said he took a cyanide capsule. David Irving a noted historian of WW2 says he found some proof that the Himmler died 45 minutes after the camp commander was notified that he was there. What if they killed him in an occult ceremony and to make sure he would not ever tell that he was double dealing hitler with the Jews.
Maybe that is why they kept Hess locked up for 40 years when he was gone before any so called Holohoax happened. Why keep him in solitary? What could he say? Could he say what deal Hitler brought Churchill? Could Hitler have said this "I will get rid of my banking Jews and help you get rid of yours?" That might lead to some discomfort on the part of the English.
What if the most costly mistake Adolf ever made was one of the first? When the SA wanted to clean house in Germany starting with the Army which was a den of Luciferian old school elitist. What if taking out the SA gave the power from the middle and low classes back to the upper and elitist class? Did that come back to haunt Hitler. Maybe Himmler was working against Hitler secretly.
Three people in Trumps cabniet were dirty. They cautioned us not to try to find out which three. They had things that the Cabal could twist their arm with. Maybe Tillerson was one of those?
They mirror EVERYTHING! America good and Germany bad? Mirror? England good? Mirror?
Germany fakes attack on german citizens by Poles to start war. Mirror?
What happens if we take Hitlers statement as possibly true and not as a trickster devil lying like a snake? Do the facts of the cabal fit better? Did the Jews really arrange the whole war to destroy a breakaway nation? Germany wanted out of the Jewish debt system and they basically hired the world to act as a bully boy and force Germany back into line? But Hitler had cabal all around him like spiders? Doing secret deals?
I am not sure this idea does not fit better than the Hitler is a puppet idea. The puppet idea seems to neat. Seems like a way for Q to avoid the subject. HOw best to not make this issue important than to tell us Hitler was a puppet? If you wanted to avoid all the normal crap about ww2 you spawn a clever lie to steer us to a different path? Maybe we should just go with the puppet idea for now since Trump and Q and the MI boys see disaster going WW2 Germany.
Since we know we are living in the Matrix you can not asssume the matrix just started in our lives. They had this control back then also.
I dont know what to think anymore.
When did the lying start and what in our history is true?
How far back have "they" stage managed our lives? Did the Cabal actually arrange the Civil War?