Another boomer conservative deflection… "go back to /pol/, sure it's where the Q movement started, but we can't have any serious discussions about tough topics in here!"
comped mods who did nothing about the shills and the spam that drowned any Q discussion thread in irrelevance.
nevar forget
The cuckservative undertones among the Q community is worse than any "muh waycism, muh antisemitism" found here. If we can't think critically and discuss tough subjects (which the mainstream labels "hate speech") we might as well just throw our support behind some loser faggot like Romney or Jeb.
muh magic dirt, muh constitution will never be trampled, muh diversity is our strength, muh hispanics are actually conservatives
So are you saying this just another cuckservative discussion board? Unchecked immigration, cheap labor, shipping American jobs overseas, bending over and letting the left set the terms of debate? Wew.
Very troubling, anon.
A major reason DJT won in 2016 was that he didn't bend over for the Left the way a Romney or Bush would. Meanwhile, many here are still playing hall monitor trying to get us to play by the Left's rules by flapping their limp wrists over "-isms" and "-phobias." This is why the Left has won the culture war for the past 50 years… they get right wingers to infight and police their own ranks rather than have to deal with return fire. Sad!
Another Serious Question:
Why do so many here think that calling out MOS must mean we're pro-MB? Why is it so hard to grasp that we believe both groups are subversive tools of supremacist ideologies that should be banned from the West?