Anonymous ID: a6ef1d May 15, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6505832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5851

Baghdad won’t let Washington use its territory in war against Iran – Iraq’s envoy


Iraq does not want a “devastating” new war in the Middle East and will not allow the US to use its territory for military action against neighboring Iran, Baghdad’s ambassador to Moscow has said.


“Iraq is a sovereign nation. We will not let [the US] to use our territory,” Haidar Mansour Hadi, the Iraqi envoy to Russia, told journalists at a press conference in Moscow when asked about Iraq’s stance on the rising tensions in the region, fueled by the feud between Washington and Tehran.


The ambassador expressed his hope that “nothing will happen” eventually, adding that his nation “does not want a new devastating war in the region." He also said that Baghdad could try to use its close ties with both the US and Iran to ease tensions.


Iraq made it clear that we want to be part of a solution and not part of the problem.


His words came amid fears that a new war is brewing in the Middle East. On Wednesday, the US ordered the partial evacuation of its embassy in Baghdad and a consulate in Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan, after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that “Iranian activities” endanger American sites and troops in Iraq.


The move prompted Germany and the Netherlands to halt its missions in Iraq aimed at training the local forces.

Anonymous ID: a6ef1d May 15, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6505864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6100

Look harder: US rebukes British general for doubting heightened threat from Iran


A UK military commander was rebuked by the US Central Command for questioning Washington’s claims that Iran poses an increased threat. Gen. Ghika, a senior figure in the anti-ISIS coalition, said none was evident in Iraq or Syria.


The awkward exchange on Tuesday came as the US is trying to rally its allies to confront Tehran over an unspecified threat to American interests in the Middle East.


Despite the beat of the war drum, even the US’ closest allies remain skeptical about the narrative furthered by Iran hawks in Washington like US National Security Advisor John Bolton and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. One of the doubters is British Army Maj. Gen. Christopher Ghika, a deputy head of the US-led coalition created to fight the terrorist group Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS).

Anonymous ID: a6ef1d May 15, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6505945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5983

The Supreme Court Is Struggling To Conceal A Heated Rift Over The Death Penalty


Caustic disagreements over capital punishment, increasingly a theme of the current term, were on full display at the Supreme Court Monday.

In a flurry of opinions, the justices rehashed several late-arriving capital cases from recent months that seem to have triggered tension within the Court.

Such disputes generally set the liberal justices against the conservative majority, which has repeatedly accused death row inmates of bad faith gamesmanship to delay executions.


Pointed divisions within the Supreme Court over capital punishment reemerged Monday, as the justices issued new opinions rehashing recent last-minute death penalty appeals.


The Court has barely concealed its sharp internal disagreement over late-arriving death penalty cases in recent months.


One such dispute arose in Alabama, where inmate Christopher Lee Price asked to be put to death with nitrogen hypoxia, as opposed to a lethal injection protocol. Price asked the high court to stop his execution on April 11. The Court denied Price’s application over a seething dissent from Justice Stephen Breyer.


Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a separate opinion to “set the record straight” Monday, hitting notes frequently sounded by the conservative justices in recent death penalty cases.


“[Price’s] strategy is no secret, for it is the same strategy adopted by many death-row inmates with an impending execution: bring last-minute claims that will delay the execution, no matter how groundless,” Thomas wrote. “The proper response to this maneuvering is to deny meritless requests expeditiously.”


The justices were scheduled to meet in private conference on April 12 to review pending petitions. Breyer proposed holding Price’s case over for discussion at that meeting in his dissent. In a biting rejoinder, Thomas dismissed that notion out of hand, saying Breyer’s plan was so unconvincing it might not have been an earnest idea.


“Insofar as Justice Breyer was serious in suggesting that the Court simply ‘take no action’ on the state’s emergency motion to vacate until the following day it should be obvious that emergency applications ordinarily cannot be scheduled for discussion at weekly (or sometimes more infrequent) conferences,” Thomas wrote.

Anonymous ID: a6ef1d May 15, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6506004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier


PERSIAN GULF—In what's being called a dangerous act of aggression, the country of Iran has deployed its country right next to the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, which was just minding its own business in the Persian Gulf.


"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."


"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.


Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.


"So as you can see, we tried to be reasonable," said Bolton, shrugging. "This means war!"