Anonymous ID: 1529af May 15, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6506623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6636 >>6644 >>6738 >>6749

They don't want to wake from their slumber. They love it too much. The lies, the liars, the comforts, the entertainment, the convenience, the consumerism, the tabloids, Hollywood, gossip, trends, conformity. They don't want to give those up. They don't want to stop serving satan's will. They don't want to think. They don't want to see. They just want to be numb and comfy. Such a sad world. How blind can people be? Everything has been right in front of everyone's face the whole time, but so many people chose to ignore it. Chose to be distracted. It's been going on this way for so long already. Meanwhile, people choose to ignore it all. Allow it all. Complicit. Er'body just all … Breaking Bad, Starbuck's, McDonald's, Kardashians, Football, Star Wars, Basketball, Star Trek, NASA, Nascar, Burger King, Fluoride, Disney, Tyra Banks, MTV, Lady Gaga, Scarlett Johansson, Beyoncé, Snoop Dogg, video games, cell phones, apps, Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Vegas, music industry, fashion industry, over-sexualization of children, your body is your worth, critical thinking is boring. Junk food. Wasting food. Flu shots. Alcohol. Recreational drug use. Pesticides. Shopping!!! I look like crap. How does my hair look? Those shoes!!!! Let's get wasted!!! Does my butt look huge? OMG did you SEE her?? Hottest new must-have trends!!! But wait, there's more!!!! Call now!!! Gotta have it. Hurry and be the first to have one!!! 100 plastic surgery procedures to look like a unisex space-alien. Meanwhile people are suffering. Doctors have priorities. $$$$ Human trafficking, pedophilia, torture, sacrifices. But, OMG last night's episode was da bomb!!! Children starving, children sick, children dying, children tortured …. but where should we go on vacation?? Need a break!!! I deserve it. Life sucks. Work sucks. Traffic sucks. Airports suck. Broke a nail. Worst day ever!!! That's NOT the one I ordered!!! My order was supposed to be here yesterday!!!! I cannot live with that. Well the whole day is just ruined. I'm bored. Nothing to do. Nothing to watch. I need to be entertained. Chillaxin'. Let someone else deal with that mess. I need to relax. Let's go party and be stupid!!! Turnt!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

((People living for, loving, fearing, and serving satan in so many little ways each and every day. Do they not see it? Satanists. Plain as day.))