Anonymous ID: 340c07 May 15, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6506521   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's quite obvious.

The red thread of fate is what the "parasite alien" represents. It is woven into garments awarded to people for service to authority.

However, for some, the Kamui - a "god robe" is made of nothing but fate.


There are multiple facets through each scene. They break it down and describe it for you. "Clothing is sin! The original sin!" - clothing is our facade we put up in front of others. We are ashamed of our animalistic tendencies and therefore are pigs in human clothing - we consume pleasure and fear/flee from discomfort like simple animals - all the while pretending to be human and ranking ourselves by our clothing.

"We make clothing for clothing's sake!"

  • the controlling powers of the world know that humans are pigs in human clothing and exploit this, carefully creating rewards and punishments for service as well as creating desires.

Hence - "Nudist Beach" is a fun play off of the concept of being bare, naked humans. It was obvious Satsuki embraced their philosophy from her first fight with Ryuuko.

"Your concern for such gregarious values shows how insignificant you truly are! If it was necessary to achieve my ambition, I would gladly bare by breasts to the world because I know my actions are utterly pure!" - she is not concerned with outward appearance or perception.

Satsuki's last name - Kiryuin, is a conjugation of Kanji - old Kanji - meaning "Yellow Dragon Empress." This goes back to the Taoist legend of the Yellow Dragon - or HuanDi/HuanLong - the man who became a dragon and god over change. As the Earth element within the WuXi, the Yellow Dragon occupies the only fixed season - that of the change of seasons.


Satsuki has two other parallel identities - that of Oda Nobunaga, made clear by the locations of her depicted battles and burning of Osaka to the ground. She is, also, however, Lady Amaterasu - the goddess of the Sun, which is made pretty obvious by her constant appearance in front of the glaring, furious light of said sun.


You can get into more - Nui Harime, servant of Ragyo and the royal seamstress who weaves the fates of man is missing her left eye - gouged out by Ishin Mattoi - who, himself, escaped death just as Izanagi did. There is a blend of symbolic ideas, here. Nui and Senketsu are missing opposite eyes - which would imply Amaterasu from the right eye and tsukuyomi (god of the moon) from the left, but this only applies to Senketsu as he was created after Mattoi fled the secret line of families - consistent with the tale of Izanagi. Niu, thus, represents the cult of Set - IE, the Illuminati.


Ryuuko is thus a child born to the fate of the god of the moon, reading the symbolism. Through this, she transitions in phases toward full enlightenment as to what the world is, what fate is, and what her role in the world is before finally being freed from that fate, as the role completed and divinity obtained - if only for a brief moment (a journey to the west, in a nutshell).


Obviously, when dealing with symbolism, it is as much in the eye if the beholder as the author.

There again - I have been speaking in such ways for a while.


You should try cutting your teeth on Psycho-Pass. It is brilliant. Then Fate/Zero. The best greek tragedy ever written, if you ask me. Puella Magi Madoka Magica is the next one. Then you might be ready for Kill la kill, though maybe something a bit light-hearted but symbolic beforehand, like Date A Live. It's more serious than it appears. Dark to light. Once you know what the spirits are and what the hidden hand believes…

Anonymous ID: 340c07 May 15, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6506650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gods coming to save you?


Maybe we care little for you one way or the other aside from what you can become. If what you are, now, was adequate then you would have completed your need to exist and be gone. Clearly - the fact you are here to whine about being alive means there is something more you have to learn from or participate in with regard to your experience.

Or maybe we are just figments of your imagination beset upon you to instill a sense of order and purpose. Maybe both!


If experiencing doubt or questions is "evil" for you, as you seem to be reacting, then by all means - return to whatever it is you consider good and wholesome.


The fruit of knowledge, however, was the pomegranate and its seed not unlike a red pill. The red pill is the fruit of knowledge and it is a door that once opened, remains so. You can embrace the blue pill at any time… But things from behind that door will wander out into that normal world from time to time.