Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.6506083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6750 >>6797

Stabbings and confrontations by hundreds of violent Africans in Portuguese seaside


Multiple social media videos have emerged after hostile confrontations between 500 hundred Africans led to a stabbing of a young man in the beach of Tamariz, on the very posh area of Cascais, in the Lisbon region.

The young man was stabbed in the abdomen and then transported to the hospital. A second individual also had to be hospitalized but without injuries, Defend Europa reports.

According to sources, the confrontations are due to “misunderstandings” between rival “groups” of residents of Quinta do Mocho and Amador, highly Africanized areas of the Lisbon suburban areas.

It’s not the first time such confrontations, stabbings and even robberies between dozens or hundreds of Africans happen in these beach areas of the Cascais rail line, known for being a very posh, sophisticated and tourist friendly area.

These sort of attacks have a history dating back for almost 15 years, becoming more and more common in the areas where there is a black majority in the country, as Portugal opened up its borders to people from its former African colonies where there is endemic crime and not an enforced rule of law, having the same results of lawlessness in their host country.

This January, violent African rioters destroyed property in worth of thousands of euros. Portugal is a heavily reliable country on its tourism industry, and while it’s beaches start to resemble the ones in Brazil, there might be problems ahead if the country does not resolve this low-security situation.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.6506103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6147 >>6157 >>6174 >>6209 >>6266 >>6584 >>6847

'The UK has gone mad': Cops show knives they collected so they 'don't get into the wrong hands' — along with a spoon


'They really do think spoons are dangerous'


Amid the United Kingdoms efforts to stem the tide of knife attacks — some of which has resulted in widespread mockery — one police department is getting hammered for a Twitter photo.


In a Tuesday post, the Regents Park Police force said it "conducted weapons sweeps, dealt with a person injured from a van reversing on them, reported a burglary, and collected all these from @scope charity shop who diligently didn't want them to get into the wrong hands & disposed of correctly & safely."


No, your eyes don't deceive you. Among the objects in the photo is a spoon — and that fired up the ire of journalist Tim Pool, who mercilessly called out police:

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6506122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6750 >>6797

Sudan seizes Morocco plane filled with gold


Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces have seized 241 kilograms of gold from a Moroccan plane flying from the country’s River Nile state, which landed in the capital Khartoum.


Major General Othman Mohamed said that only 93 kilograms of the gold on board the plane has an export license, while the legal status of the remaining quantity has not been clarified. The Major General explained: “We must deliver this large amount [of gold] to the Bank of Sudan, and then we will go on with the necessary legal procedures.”


Mohamed did not name the private Moroccan company which had allowed the exportation of the gold, nor did he give further details. However, he pointed out that the status of the company in Sudan is legal and registered.


Meanwhile, Moroccan news website Hespress reported that the plane was loaded with huge amounts of gold belonging to Moroccan company MANAGEM, which has long been active in the mining industry across the African continent.


Sudan produces 100 tonnes of gold every year and gold mines are a major source of foreign currency in the country. However, it is believed that about 70 per cent of Sudan’s gold production is being smuggled out of the country, as producers try to circumvent regulations requiring gold to be sold to the central bank in local currency at a price much lower than that which can be reached on the black market.


Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces declared that Thursday’s seizure of the gold was intended to protect the national economy and preserve the country’s resources and wealth. Hespress, however, claimed the Sudanese forces stopped the plane because it had not acquired permission to fly, not because of smuggling gold.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.6506130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6750 >>6797

$77M Worth Of Cocaine Seized In New York In Crates From Colombia


Federal authorities seized $77 million worth of cocaine at the Port of New York and New Jersey on Monday in the largest drug bust at that specific dock since 1994, ABC News reports.


Arriving at the port in late February from Colombia, the shipping container held crates labeled as dried fruit. However, after what was a routine interdiction, the agents looked behind the crates and found 3,200 lbs. of the illegal drug.


“This is a significant seizure,” said Troy Miller, director of Customs and Border Protection’s New York Field Operations. “In fact, it is the largest cocaine seizure at the Port of New York/Newark since May 1994.”


The cargo ship from Buena Ventura, Colombia was headed to Antwerp, Belgium, before it was stopped in Newark and police discovered the record-setting amount of drugs hidden behind crates of dried fruit.


Unsure as to whether the delivery was meant to arrive in the United States or Europe, authorities examined the cargo and were lucky to have made the discovery and prevent the drugs from getting in people’s hands. (RELATED: Green Beret Caught Allegedly Sneaking 90 Pounds Of Cocaine Into The US)


“Cocaine, New York’s nemesis of the 90s, is back-indicating traffickers push to build an emerging customer base of users mixing cocaine with fentanyl,” said DEA Special Agent in Charge Ray Donovan. “This record-breaking seizure draws attention to this new threat and shows law enforcement’s collaborative efforts in seizing illicit drugs before it gets to the streets and into users’ hands.”


In January, the largest fentanyl bust in history was made along the southern border. Estimated to be have been enough fentanyl to kill more than 50 million people, the truck was captured by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol as it tried to cross the border.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6506149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6176 >>6370 >>6750 >>6797 >>6835

ALL major U.S. cellphone companies guilty of privacy violations: Bombshell report reveals they track you and sell your location data to bounty hunters


Is your mobile phone carrier illegally selling your GPS location data to bounty hunters without your knowledge or consent? A new report says it’s a strong possibility, as it exposes pretty much every major cellphone carrier as a culprit in a massive privacy breach and surveillance scheme that’s apparently been taking place for years under the radar.


According to Motherboard (VICE), AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint are all guilty of violating their customers’ privacy rights, as they’ve been pawning off for profit sensitive location data about their users that was intended to be collected for 911 operators and other emergency services.


These three major carriers reportedly pawned off the precise location data of at least some of their customers to roughly 250 bounty hunters, each of whom paid up to $1,100 a pop to location data companies working with these mobile phone carriers – to the tune of tens of thousands of individual requests – which procured them with this sensitive information.

Is anything sacred anymore when it comes to personal privacy?


While Motherboard uncovered last month that bounty hunters were illicitly accessing the location data of their targets by looking at the “pings” sent back and forth between their phones and local service towers, it has now been revealed that the data these bounty hunters have been accessing was even more precise than that.


Reports indicate that a “shadowy” company called CerCareOne was collecting and selling assisted-GPS, also known as A-GPS, data, which is so accurate that it can actually pinpoint the exact location of a mobile phone user inside a building.


While the stated purpose of collecting A-GPS data has long been that it helps emergency responders such as those dispatch by 911 more easily find victims, it would appear as though this data was actually a side gig for the mobile phone industry, which has been profiting from its illegal sale to private third parties.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6506154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6750 >>6797

Spain Arrests 11 Over Mediterranean Migrant Trafficking


MADRID (AP) – Spanish police say they have arrested 11 people suspected of forming part of a human trafficking ring transporting migrants across the Mediterranean Sea in small boats unfit for the open water.


Police said Wednesday that the suspects recruited Moroccan adults and minors seeking to reach Europe.


Police said the migrants had to each pay 3,500-6,500 euros ($3,922-$7,284) to be packed into a small dingy “without any safety measures.”


Once in Spain, police say, the migrants were taken to safe houses run by the trafficking ring where they were forcibly kept until the payment of another 1,000 euros. After paying, they were given clothes, a mobile phone and a bus ticket to another destination in Spain or Europe.


Spain has become the biggest entry point for unauthorized migration to Europe.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6506171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6245 >>6370 >>6750 >>6797

Israel spyware firm linked to Khashoggi case used to hack WhatsApp


Software created by an Israeli spyware firm with links to the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been used to hack messaging app WhatsApp


Software created by an Israeli spyware firm with links to the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been used to hack messaging app WhatsApp.


WhatsApp discovered earlier this month that potential attackers had been able to install malicious surveillance software on to both iPhones and Android phones by ringing targets using the app’s phone call function, the Financial Times (FT) reported yesterday. The FT added that the software “could be transmitted even if users did not answer their phones, and the calls often disappeared from call logs”.


The software in question was developed by Israel’s NSO Group, famous for manufacturing the notorious “Pegasus” spyware. It is thought that NSO’s software took advantage of a loophole in WhatsApp, which the latter was still working to fix as late as this weekend. WhatsApp is now urging its 1.5 billion global users to update their app to reduce the risk of further attacks.


The company said in a statement: “WhatsApp encourages people to upgrade to the latest version of our app, as well as keep their mobile operating system up to date, to protect against potential targeted exploits designed to compromise information stored on mobile devices.”


It is not yet clear how many mobile phones have been targeted by the attack.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6506181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6201 >>6214 >>6346

US Ambassador: Israel Is On the Side of God


PLO officials see comment as negative for US ties


Commemorating the one-year anniversary of the US moving their embassy to Jerusalem, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman declared that “Israel is on the side of God,” calling that a “secret weapon that not too many countries have.”


This sort of declaration is not unheard of among some varieties of Christianity within the United States. It has not, however, ever been a stated aspect of US policy, and Friedman’s comments suggest it is part of what is driving US policy toward Israel in general, including the embassy relocation.


PLO officials view this declaration as an extremely negative sign for already struggling US-Palestinian ties. PLO negotiator Hanan Ashrawi asked where placing Israel on the “side of God” leaves the rest of the world, while former chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said that what Friedman was effectively telling Palestinians, both Christians and Muslims is that “they’re enemies of God” He added that this had never been the US position before.


Clearly the US position is changing. Former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer said that the comments were “extremely inappropriate” for an ambassador of the United States government to make.


NOT what the bible says!

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6506213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6295 >>6370 >>6409 >>6750 >>6797

Buttigieg Accused Of Anti-Semitism After Calling Out Adelson’s Influence


South Bend, Indiana mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg slammed casino mogul and Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson while speaking in Las Vegas on Saturday, using language that led a Republican Jewish leader to accuse him of anti-Semitism.


In a segment of his speech about strengthening democratic norms and voting rights, Buttigieg mentioned, “I know I’m a guest in Sheldon Adelson’s town,” eliciting boos from the audience. “But I know … that real democracy means that the voice you have in our political process is gauged by the merits of what you have to say and not by the number of zeros in your bank balance.”

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.6506252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Boeing to E-Ring: Shanahan is Industry’s Man in the Pentagon


Trump's nominee for secretary of defense could be the ultimate fox in the henhouse.


WASHINGTON — John McCain is looking down on Washington and he is definitely not smiling.


The late senator had very little in common with the anti-interventionist principles of this magazine, but in the brighter moments of his 35-year career in Congress, he was the Senate’s most vociferous watchdog of Pentagon waste and contractor malfeasance. His grilling of military brass in this area was legendary, and his willingness to dress down an E-Ring four star or civilian executive in front of the C-Span cameras makes today’s congressional slobbering before the military high-hats look pathetic, and sad.


That’s why he would be all the more crushed to see how the Blob is apparently prepared to confirm a recent senior executive at Boeing—the second largest contractor in the entire federal government—to the role of secretary of defense. Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who McCain, suffering at the time from brain cancer, suggested might be the fox guarding the henhouse, has been idling in the interim SecDef role since James Mattis just before Christmas. Now that a Pentagon Inspector General’s report has quietly cleared him of charges that he was putting his thumb on the scales for billions of dollars of new work for Boeing, President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he will officially nominate Shanahan for the role of Pentagon chief, starting the clock on Senate confirmation.


This has raised the hackles of defense reformers who always saw Shanahan’s presence at the DoD as the highest form of contempt: even by Washington standards, they see this as is a bald display of industry influence on the levers of power and, ultimately, U.S. national security policy.


“Having promised to change nothing, to simply extend the massive spending policies initiated by Mattis, Mr. Shanahan is sure to be confirmed,” charged retired U.S. Army colonel and defense analyst Douglas Macgregor in an interview with TAC. “Keeping the money flowing without interruption is the sine qua non for success in the Senate Armed Services Committee.”


Critics point out that Shanahan has never been anything but a company man. His only experience in military and defense issues was as a program executive of contracts that sink billions of American taxpayer dollars each year into bloated weapons systems and increase shareholder value.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.6506275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters?


ames Corbett, one of the best researchers on the internet, answers this and much more in this very important documentary.


Great red pill Video for normies

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6506322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France, New Zealand to launch a call to end online ‘extremism’… Sri Lanka blocks social media after riots… Vietnam intensifies crackdown on online dissent…


France, New Zealand to launch a call to end online extremism


PARIS (AP) — The leaders of France and New Zealand will make a joint push to eliminate acts of violent extremism from being shown online, in a meeting with tech leaders in Paris on Wednesday.


French President Emmanuel Macron and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will launch the “Christchurch call” —named after the New Zealand city where 51 people were killed in a March 15 attack on mosques.


Sri Lanka blocks social media after anti-Muslim riots


Sri Lanka blocked access to Facebook and WhatsApp on Monday after a posting sparked anti-Muslim riots across several towns in the latest fallout from the Easter Sunday suicide attacks.


Christian groups attacked Muslim-owned shops in the northwestern town of Chilaw on Sunday in anger at a Facebook post by a shopkeeper, police said.


Security forces fired in the air to disperse mobs, but the violence spread to nearby towns where Muslim businesses were also attacked.


Sri Lanka has been on edge since the April 21 attacks by jihadist suicide bombers on three hotels and three churches which left 258 dead.


Police said a night curfew in Chilaw and nearby areas was relaxed Monday, but the social media ban was brought in to prevent incitement to violence.


“Don’t laugh more, 1 day u will cry,” was posted on Facebook by a Muslim shopkeeper, and local Christians took it to be a warning of an impending attack.


Mobs smashed the man’s shop and vandalised a nearby mosque prompting security forces to fire in the air to disperse the crowd. A curfew was imposed from Sunday afternoon until dawn Monday.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6506347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6370 >>6399 >>6750 >>6797

Dems Are Now Trying To Force Transgenderism Curriculum onto the Whole Nation


Pieces of legislation in Washington often have nice, Orwellian names that seem to indicate something exactly the opposite of what they actually do. If I were to ever be so cruel as to introduce a piece of legislation that would eliminate every rabbit within the confines of the lower 48 states, I would name it something like the Peter Cottontail Act of 2019. It’d certainly have the correct ring to it.

That’s kind of the issue over The Equality Act, one of the first major pieces of legislation the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives crafted. HR 5 would make discrimination against LGBT individuals illegal; most of the legislation is unobjectionable. The problem is that it has no carve-outs for religious liberty and could mean a national transgender curriculum.

That last part is the take of Daily Signal editor Jarrett Stepman, who says that “although it sounds good to say you oppose discriminating against people on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s priority bill, known as HR 5, has far-reaching legal implications.

“A variety of Supreme Court cases, including Meyer v. Nebraska and Pierce v. Society of Sisters, affirm the rights of parents to control their child’s education,” Stepman noted in a piece last week.

“But the Equality Act would create precedent for federal courts to require curriculum celebrating lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual orientations.

“This change to advance the radical LGBT agenda wouldn’t apply just to sex ed classes, but subjects such as history and science as well,” he wrote.

“Laws that require gender identity and gender orientation to be a part of curriculum already exist in New Jersey, Illinois, Colorado, California, and Washington, plus the District of Columbia.

“In 10 other states, lawmakers have passed bills to limit such curriculum, but the Equality Act would nullify those restrictions. (The states: Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Florida, and North Carolina.)”

He continues to note that “[a] broader movement aims to reorient K-12 curriculum in America toward a focus on sexual orientation and gender identity.

“For instance, groups such as the Human Rights Campaign; the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network; and Planned Parenthood are encouraging initiatives that would bring this sort of education to schools around the country.”

The groups, he says, are calling “for pro-transgender picture books and resources for teachers to explain terms such as ‘pansexual,’ ‘nonbinary,’ and ‘sex assigned at birth’ to elementary school students.”

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.6506400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Helicopter Crashes Into Hudson River

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6506420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6579

Reply to Danya Ruttenberg on Jews and Usury


I must object to Danya Ruttenberg’s recent Twitter thread on Jewish usury. The thread appears to have been prompted by a mailer sent out by Connecticut GOP State Senate candidate Ed Charamut, which shows Jewish opponent Matt Lesser clutching a fistful of cash. Criticism from Jews was almost immediate, with familiar claims that the piece played into “harmful anti-Semitic stereotypes” of Jews as greedy, exploitative, and untrustworthy. Charamut initially attempted to defend his use of the image and accused Lesser of “using the Democrat playbook of identity politics to hide from his record.” He insisted the image was only illustrating his belief that Lesser would vote to increase taxes and more government spending.


Unfortunately, but predictably, Charamut quickly caved and has now issued a groveling apology for his campaign flier, pleading: “It is clear now that the imagery could be interpreted as anti-Semitic, and for that we deeply apologize as hate speech of any kind does not belong in our society and especially not in our politics.” He then apologized specifically to Lesser, the Jewish community and “anyone who found the mailer to be anything other then a depiction of policy differences between the two candidates.” Lesser himself has claimed the pamphlet employs imagery used to depict Jewish people going back hundreds of years.”


At issue here is the fact it’s now basically forbidden, or considered highly suspect, to negatively discuss or depict the subject of Jews and money in any context — even if you object to the fiscal policies of your Jewish political opponent. Supporting this soft censorship is a quite distinctive Jewish historical narrative that is really nothing more than a tapestry of politicized myths. These myths act as something like a cultural-psychological shield, deployed instinctively, along with a special vocabulary (“trope!”, “canard!”, “stereotype!”), by strongly-identified Jews against all incoming criticisms.


Danya Ruttenberg is one such strongly identified Jew, and her Twitter thread in response to the Charamut-Lesser incident is a classic example of the cultural-psychological shield. Normally these deployments are so commonplace and predicable that they merit little comment. Ruttenberg’s statement, however, has achieved almost 2500 retweets and over 3000 likes in a little over 48 hours. Some response, I feel, is required.


Ruttenberg is apparently a rabbi and feminist author and has been named one of The Jewish Week‘s “36 Under 36” in 2010 (36 most influential leaders under age 36), and was also named one of the top 50 most influential women rabbis by The Jewish Daily Forward. In certain respects she is far from Orthodox, but she is a very strongly identified leftist Jew and exemplifies, in many respects, trends and attitudes in Diaspora Judaism. Her unabashed feminism, ‘anti-racism,’ and leftism has contributed to a certain appeal outside Judaism, and she enjoys a Twitter following of over 43,000. It was for this not insignificant audience that she attempted to contextualize the Charamut-Lesser incident with an apologetic narrative on Jews and usury. Why she focused specifically on the issue of usury in response to the incident is unclear (Lesser is not a moneylender and he is not depicted or referenced in relation to debt in the Charamut flier), unless one assumes that on some level Ruttenberg acknowledges the fact that Jews have, in the past and present, maintained what can only be termed a special or extraordinary relationship with money. As such, Ruttenberg deploys the classic Jewish apologetic narrative attempting to explain this relationship, and begins, in erroneous but predictable fashion, with Jewish moneylenders in medieval Europe.



Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6506476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TV report: Netanyahu briefs Likud MKs on ‘how to sell’ immunity law to public


Channel 12 says PM has ‘conclusively’ decided to pass legislation to evade prosecution in criminal cases against him, has yet to decide whether to also take on Supreme Court


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided conclusively to advance legislation that will ensure he cannot be prosecuted so long as he remains in office, and has begun briefing his Likud party’s Knesset members on how to “sell” the move to the Israeli public, a TV report claimed on Wednesday.


Having hitherto given mixed signals about whether he would seek to pass legislation in order to evade prosecution in the three criminal cases for which he faces indictment, Netanyahu has now taken the firm decision to push legislation to guarantee himself immunity from prosecution, the Channel 12 report said. The legislation has reportedly been discussed in the current negotiations on the formation of Netanyahu’s new coalition government.


Netanyahu and members of his close circle have begun briefing Likud MKs “on how to market this to the public,” the report said. They are being told to highlight the fact that voters reelected Netanyahu last month even though they knew all about the allegations against him, and that he should thus be empowered to see out his time in office and deal with his legal entanglements only after stepping down.



Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6506487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Driving Trump White House to Catastrophic War against Iran


It is openly admitted that the current Right-wing Israeli government is the key driver of the Trump administration’s intention to destroy the economy of the sovereign state of Iran – one of the world’s oldest civilisations – by a strategy of compulsory implementation of global US trade sanctions which include a total embargo on Iranian oil to any NATO country or any other nation currently trading with the United States.


Since May 2018, the Trump administration has withdrawn from the JCPOA major powers agreement that curbed Iran’s nuclear program, re-imposed punishing sanctions on Tehran, demanded that allies choose between Iranian oil and trading with the American market, and declared the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to be a terrorist organization.


President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement and re-impose sanctions jeopardizes the landmark arms control agreement, under which Iran dismantled much of its nuclear program and international inspectors gained extensive access to monitor its compliance. The agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which was a vital peace initiative for the Gulf region and the Middle East, is now dead.


Of course, the state of Israel’s huge nuclear weapons arsenals are not subject to any UN inspection or compliance with international agreements. It is the world’s only undeclared nuclear state and possesses stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction estimated to include up to 400 nuclear and/or chemical warheads.


It was reported that at a meeting of President Trump’s top national security aides last week, the administration published an updated military plan that envisions sending as many as 120,000 American troops to the Middle East should Iran accelerate work on nuclear weapons as a consequence of US attempts to destroy its economy. It is unclear whether any Israeli troops would be involved initially but cruise missiles would be deployed from its German- supplied nuclear-armed submarine fleet and missiles from its US-built F-35i bomber squadrons.


US Secretary of State Pompeo’s efforts to recruit European countries to back the administration’s aggressive posture on Iran are being received with disdain bordering on contempt and Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief, called for “maximum restraint” after meeting in Brussels with Mr. Pompeo, who is a proponent of provoking maximum pressure against Iran.


If this continues to its logical conclusion it means that there will inevitably be an attack initially by Israeli cruise missiles with nuclear warheads against Iranian targets in an attempt to demolish Iranian deep defence installations and by the US 5th Fleet in Bahrain to keep open the strategic waterway through the Strait of Hormuz.


Such a nuclear attack would signal the start of WW3 as other nuclear states such as India and Pakistan, France and Britain, China and Russia, take up opposing positions. As for the UK, as a supporter of the Netanyahu regime it will continue its bilateral trade with Israel from the safety of its distance. However, the Middle East as a whole including Israel will also suffer the catastrophic effect of ionising radiation upon food and water supplies and upon the human population. Casualties could run into hundreds of thousands on both sides as the conflict escalates and extends into Europe.


Now is the time for the EU to act urgently and decisively to divorce itself from the US-Israeli warmongering that is becoming such a dangerous threat to global peace, and the United Nations Security Council must intervene without delay to avoid a catastrophic nuclear war.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6506516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6750 >>6797

Trumpism 2.0: Sen. Josh Hawley Unveils Populist Platform to Fight Big Tech 'Aristocrats,' Restore America


Newly-elected Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has unveiled an excellent Tucker Carlson-esque populist-nationalist platform to move the GOP beyond boomer conservatism.


This is the best vision I've seen since Steve Bannon's 2016 platform for Trump (which Trump abandoned for boomer conservatism).


From The Washington Post, "Meet the Senate’s new culture warrior. Josh Hawley fashions a right-wing populism for the Trump era.":


THE BIG IDEA: Josh Hawley, the youngest member of the Senate, was born on Dec. 31, 1979 – the final day of a sclerotic decade. The freshman Republican from Missouri argues that the GOP must now move away from the shibboleths of his childhood to become the party that stands in unflinching opposition to elites.


"It's not 1980 anymore. We've got to wake up to the problems of today," Hawley said in an interview. "For my own party, there is a tendency to want to live in the past and to live in a time when Republican orthodoxy was fixed by the 1980 Reagan campaign. Listen, the Reagan presidency was extraordinarily successful and extraordinarily significant historically. But that's a long time ago now. And I think that it is past time for Republicans to stop living in the 1980s and start living in 2019 and facing the problems of this day."


Ronald Reagan famously declared during his first inaugural address that "government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem."


"Government has a role to play," Hawley explained. "We need a shift in policy. This is why I say it is time to move beyond the old and tired policy debates of the last 30 and 40 years, which we just rehash and rehearse over and over again. … In a weird way, our politics has kind of been captured by nostalgia in the last 10 or 15 years. As the glaring problems of the great middle of our society have become worse, in some ways politics has become more and more blinkered. It's just more trapped in the past. There's this aversion to facing things as they are. If anything, our politics has become more nostalgic and more backward-looking. We need to stop that."

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.6506531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6666 >>6730 >>6750 >>6797

NM Governor Who Left Border Open over Trump’s “Charade of Fear-Mongering” — Sees Illegals Flood Across Border, Then Buses Them to Denver


As reported last week—

Earlier this year, far left New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham withdrew 118 National Guard troops from New Mexico’s southern boundary with Mexico.


Governor Grisham called President Trump’s policies a “charade of border fear-mongering.”


Now the New Mexico border is being overrun by the drug cartels following the governor’s brilliant plan to remove troops from its southern border.


A local sheriff said he saw $60,000 in deadly drug shipments in April, up from $3,500 in January.


Now this…

The flood of illegals is too much for New Mexico to handle so now the liberal Democrat governor is busing the illegals to Denver.


Via The Denver Post:


The New Mexico governor’s office paid about $4,000 for a bus to transport 55 Central American asylum seekers to Denver early Sunday morning in an arrangement negotiated between nonprofits in both communities, a spokeswoman confirmed on Tuesday.


The office of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham coordinated with Annunciation House, a nonprofit that works with migrants along the El Paso, Texas/Juarez, Mexico border, to send the asylum seekers to Denver.


Ahh… The joys of liberal leadership!

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6506574   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington Orders Suspension of Air Travel Between US and Venezuela


The South American state has recently been suffering from a severe political crisis, which has been gravely worsened by the imposition of American sanctions and Washington's support for the self-proclaimed interim president and opposition leader, Juan Guaido, who is accused of attempting a coup in the country.


The US Department of Transportation has ordered that all air travel between the US and Venezuela, including passenger and cargo flights, be suspended, citing the alleged violence around Venezuelan airports caused by the ongoing political crisis.


"The public interest requires an immediate suspension of foreign air transportation between the United States and Venezuelan airports. Therefore […] I am suspending the authority of all US air carriers and foreign air carriers to provide foreign air transportation to or from Venezuelan airports", Elaine Chao Secretary of Transportation said.


The suspension came following a request from the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS argued that the situation in the Latin American state threatens the safety of "passengers, aircraft, and crew traveling to or from" Venezuela.


The political situation in Venezuela rapidly destabilised after opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself an interim president of the country and called for ousting democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro. The US and a number of other Western states have supported Guaido's claims, while Russia, China, Turkey, and numerous more countries have condemned the move and supported Maduro.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.6506643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington Heats Up Its Cold War in the Arctic


US Secretary of State Pompeo continues to travel the world, creating alarm, resentment and irritation almost everywhere. He maintained his lamentable reputation for crass rudeness by cancelling a meeting with Germany’s Chancellor Merkel on May 8 in order to go to Iraq, apparently to try to justify Washington’s despatch of nuclear-capable B-52H bombers and an aircraft carrier battle group to menace Iran.


As observed by Norbert Röttgen, head of Germany’s foreign affairs committee, “Even if there were unavoidable reasons for the cancellation, it unfortunately fits into the current climate in the relationship of the two governments.”


There were no “unavoidable reasons” for Pompeo’s boorish discourtesy, which was regarded internationally as yet another example of the arrogance that so critically influences US foreign policy. And before he insulted Mrs Merkel and the German people he managed to offend several other nations at the Arctic Council meeting in Finland on 6-7 May.


The Arctic Council is “the leading intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, Arctic indigenous communities and other Arctic inhabitants on common Arctic issues, in particular on issues of sustainable development and environmental protection in the Arctic.” Up until now it has been a shining and all-too-rare example of international cooperation which has resulted in production of valuable environmental, ecological and social assessments.


The Arctic Institute describes the Council as “a model for global governance. It is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives, committed to evidence based decision-making, and a champion of regional peace and stability.” Of great importance is the fact that its mandate, as laid down in the Ottawa Declaration of 1996, explicitly excludes military matters.


But Washington intends to change all that. Instead of contributing to the Council’s aims of championing peace and stability, it has adopted its only too familiar stance of confrontation and patronising criticism.


A most pressing concern of most members of the Council is climate change, and as reported by Reuters the 2019 meeting of the eight Arctic nations “was supposed to frame a two-year agenda to balance the challenge of global warming with sustainable development of mineral wealth.” This was an eminently sensible approach, and not in the least controversial or divisive — unless you are an adherent of Trump, who denies there is any such thing as a climate crisis. In March 2019 he tweeted “Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: ‘The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.’ Wow!”

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.6506664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6698 >>6727 >>6750 >>6797

US Birth Rate Plunges To All-Time Low As More Women Choose Careers Over Families


For everybody who has been panicking about the US turning into 'Idiocracy', well…the movie got at least one thing right.


Smart Americans - well, all Americans but particularly those with college degrees - are having fewer kids. According to figures released Tuesday by the CDC and cited by WSJ, the number of live births in the US last year dropped to 3.8 million, the lowest level in 32 years. That brought the birth rate down to 1.7, a record low and well below the so-called "rate of replacement" of 2.1.


With this latest decline, the number of births in the US has fallen during 10 of the last 11 years.

Anonymous ID: edfe6a May 15, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6506732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6737 >>6743 >>6861

Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.


RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’


The cellphones known as 5G, or fifth generation, represent the vanguard of a wireless era rich in interconnected cars, factories and cities. Whichever nation dominates the new technology will gain a competitive edge for much of this century, according to many analysts. But a television network a few blocks from the White House has been stirring concerns about a hidden flaw.


“Just a small one,” a TV reporter told her viewers recently. “It might kill you.”


The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled “A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity,’” in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. Now, it is linking 5G signals to brain cancer, infertility, autism, heart tumors and Alzheimer’s disease — claims that lack scientific support.


Yet even as RT America, the cat’s paw of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has been doing its best to stoke the fears of American viewers, Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom.


“We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”


Analysts see RT’s attack on 5G as geopolitically bold: It targets a new world of interconnected, futuristic technologies that would reach into consumers’ homes, aid national security and spark innovative industries. Already, medical firms are linking up devices wirelessly to create new kinds of health treatments.


“It’s economic warfare,” Ryan Fox, chief operating officer of New Knowledge, a technology firm that tracks disinformation, said in an interview. “Russia doesn’t have a good 5G play, so it tries to undermine and discredit ours.”