>Free will
The corruption started with “the church” attempting to manage and, eventually legislating Christ’s teachings, creating an “institution” that would guarantee it, insure it, and protect it by criminalizing its opposite. This depersonalized Church, weaponized later as the state religion of Roman provided a place for evil to nest within from its beginning. The first corporations were created by the church and were known as “Samaritan corporations.” The church gradually became the template for all subsequent institutions to this day. Even the secular ones (e.g. NGOs) that wear the mask of care and pretend to do better for people than what people can do for themselves. The misappropriation of Christianity in order to gain worldly power and wealth at the sheeple’s expense should not be swept under the rug, but these things occurred despite Christ’s teachings, not because of them.
This domestication of the Gospel is a historical process perceptible to all – Christianity changes the world – but, to quote Paul, it is also a “mystery of evil” - a mystery because it’s meaning, and perhaps its dynamism as well, depends on and derives from the Revelation which it corrupts and betrays.
“The attempt to make institutions perform in place of persons is now reaching a kind of theoretical maximum. One of the ways in which this is expressed is through chronic fiscal crisis – we can never afford all the services we believe we need." Ivan Illich
>pagan occult bloodlines
The irony is that Christ was against “the State” legislating ethic norms, which is why he said stuff like the “Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” He wanted people’s bad decisions to rest on their conscience, not to be punished by institutionalized criminal laws.
The original meaning of the word "pagan" is simply "country folk." It only became a purgative after the Roman Church declared "War against the Pagans" in much the same way the deep state has used the "War on Terror" to demonize freedom loving Americans in "fly over country" who just want to be left alone.
The same people who were killing Christians before the State took over the religion were the same people killing pagans afterwards and then again during the inquisition.
It’s always been “the authorities” and that’s who Christ took a stand against regardless of what mask they wore.