Anonymous ID: 88e9fc May 15, 2019, 4:32 p.m. No.6508524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8539 >>8550

WEB OF LIES How Isaac Kappy’s bizarre final days sparked ‘fake suicide’ conspiracies claiming he was murdered for exposing paedophiles

Isaac Kappy - who also appeared in Terminator:Salvation - plummeted onto the Interstate 40 highway near Bellemont, Arizona, before being hit by a car


By Jon Lockett

15th May 2019, 6:12 pm

Updated: 15th May 2019, 6:19 pm


"…Some fans have also taken to spreading fake news attributed to Kappy.


Despite no evidence he ever posted the video, a clip of young girls wearing bikinis in a Roman-style spa is being attributed to him.


The video - which is likely to be completely innocent - was posted on Reddit by somebody claiming to have seen it on one of his social media profiles hours before his death.


The user failed to say which platform he saw it on and is almost certainly made up Kappy's connection to it.


That hasn't stopped some deluded fans making up all sorts of wild claims about the footage - including that it was Kappy attempting to expose a 'peado party' or even a 'child sacrifice'.


Although the true origin of the clip is yet to be established, there is nothing to suggest the scene is anything but completely innocent…"


I guess we should stop talking about all things Kappy.

Speculations is for completely innocence stuffs and certainly made up slideathons. Shush. No talking.