Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6508584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8700

REPORT: Special Prosecutor John Durham Targeting CIA in its Role in Origins of Spygate – Brennan’s Actions Will ‘Come Into Sharper Focus’


Former CIA Chief John Brennan knows he is in hot water as evidenced by his unhinged tweets and desperate rhetoric during his appearances on the ‘hate Trump’ media.


It was reported on Monday that Bill Barr appointed US Attorney in Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the Trump Russia probe.


Then another bombshell was dropped – Bill Barr’s scope and probe is much wider than previously known.


It was revealed Tuesday that Barr and Durham are working closely with CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats and FBI Director Christopher Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump’s 2016 campaign.


This suggests a broader inter-agency effort is underway.


According to Justice Department sources, John Durham is specifically targeting the CIA and it’s role in the origins of the Trump-Russia probe – Former CIA Director John Brennan and his “machinations during the 2016 campaign will come into sharper focus,” says investigative reporter Paul Sperry.


BREAKING: Main Justice Dept sources say #Spygate prosecutor John Durham is also targeting the CIA and its role in the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, and that John Brennan's machinations during the 2016 campaign will come into sharper focus


— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) May 15, 2019


John Brennan’s fingerprints are all over Spygate and he is now turning on former FBI Director James Comey — the two are now fighting over whose idea it was to use the dossier in the IC report.


Hillary’s phony Russia dossier was not only used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page, it was also used in the Intelligence Community’s report.


James Comey told the FBI in an email chain in December of 2016 that CIA Director John Brennan insisted on including the dossier in the IC assessment, but the CIA is claiming that it was James Comey who made the recommendation and it was Brennan and DNI chief James Clapper who objected.


Brennan also may have perjured himself during a May 2017 testimony about the dossier.


Recall, in a May 2017 testimony, John Brennan vehemently denied the phony dossier made its way into the IC assessment that was released in January 2017 that concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 election “to help Trump’s chances of victory.”


Brennan also swore to Congress that he didn’t know who commissioned the phony dossier even though it was widely known by senior DOJ, FBI and NatSec officials that Hillary Clinton paid for the document.


“John Brennan did more than anyone to promulgate the dirty dossier,” an investigator told Paul Sperry last year. “He politicized and effectively weaponized what was false intelligence against Trump.”

Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.6508608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8948 >>9107 >>9188

White House Rolls Out Website To Report Silicon Valley Censorship


The White House has launched a new tool for people to use if they feel they have been unfairly discriminated against over social media.


Those who feel they have been wrongly banned, censored or suspended on platforms such as Facebook or Twitter can go to "" where the following mesage will greet them:


"SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS should advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear “violations” of user policies.


No matter your views, if you suspect political bias caused such an action to be taken against you, share your story with President Trump."


The idea was immediately supported by Twitter alternative, which tweeted: "Excellent, we will email our ~1m users and get you a very large set of data."

Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.6508634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8948 >>9107 >>9188

Google is about to have a lot more ads on phones


Google announced a bunch of new ad types today that’ll start showing up throughout its mobile products, including some that interrupt the core Google search and discovery experiences.


Google searches on mobile will soon include “gallery” ads that allow advertisers to display multiple images for users to swipe through. You’ll also begin to see ads in Google’s discover feed — the feed of news stories that you find built into many Android home screens, inside the Google app, and on Google’s mobile homepage — though they’ll only appear in select locations for now.


The new ad formats are meant to make ads a lot more noticeable. In a blog post, Google ad chief Prabhakar Raghavan says that, in tests, gallery ads resulted in “up to 25 percent more interactions” than traditional search ads.


Gallery ads will only be launching on mobile, not the desktop. Discover ads will appear in Google’s mobile app, as well as on the discover feed on Android phones. Google tells us those ads won’t appear in the discover feed that’s built into the mobile homepage.


Google has been testing gallery ads in search since earlier this year, and it’s toyed with other image-focused ad formats in the past. But now Google says gallery ads will become widely available “later this year,” making them a lot more prominent.


More and more visuals have been making their way onto Google’s mobile search page in recent years. A search for a movie, for instance, will already pull up images of its poster and leading actors, as well as the photos used in top articles about the film. That’s in addition to quite a few other breakout pieces of information, like showtimes, review snippets, and video clips.


Amid all that extra information, adding visuals to ads makes a lot of sense from Google’s perspective. They’ll draw more attention to advertisers’ content, and since Google is paid per click, they could be particularly valuable.


The discover feed — a personalized feed of recommended news stories that Google displays on mobile — will also be getting ads for the first time. They’ll appear just like any other story, with an image on top, a headline, and a subject field with more information. But they’ll have a small badge that says “ad” to let users know it’s sponsored.


Those ads will extend to YouTube as well, where they’ll slot in alongside recommended videos. Discover ads will also roll out later this year.

Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.6508650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8685 >>8948 >>9107 >>9188

More Disney Layoffs Sees Fox Marketing & PR Execs Shown The Door – Update


EXCLUSIVE 2ND UPDATE WITH MORE NAMES: Just under two months after the Walt Disney Company officially took control of the majority of Fox’s film and TV assets in a seismic $71.3 billion deal, another round of lay-offs are slicing through Burbank and over on Pico Boulevard.


A Disney spokesperson has confirmed to Deadline that people are being pink-slipped but gave no further details.


However, sources inform us that the cuts are wide-spread across Walt Disney Studios. At the same time we also hear that the latest round of cuts look to be more extensive that the previous layoffs that have occurred since Disney formally acquired the Fox assets on March 19.


As individuals are being informed today, most of the actual exits look to be timed for early June. While particular employees of the now melded companies may be losing their jobs, no single department is being wiped out, it seems.


Deadline has recently learned that Carol Sewell, EVP of Marketing who was also overseeing publicity is being let go. Her role was eliminated given that Michelle Sewell (no relation) is the longstanding SVP of global publicity over at Disney. Sewell cut her teeth at Paramount in the early 90s and transitioned to Fox in 1995 working on such campaigns as the Star Wars movies, Fox/Marvel titles and Moulin Rouge, and Borat. She left Fox in 2011 as EVP Publicity to join Pantelion Films as Head of Marketing, working on the top-grossing Spanish language hit stateside Instructions Not Included. Sewell returned to Fox in September in her current role.


Also being let go is Mary Goss Robino, EVP of Global Marketing Partnerships who arrived at the Fox lot in July 2018. Robino, who previously served in senior leadership roles at several other studios, including Sony Pictures, MGM and New Line and working on such franchises as James Bond, Spider-Man, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Austin Powers, Star Trek and others.

Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.6508786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Heavy Diggers


This is my second day digging and I'm struggling to find anything I would regard as credible with regard to an Iranian Black site/ DUMB or similar.


Yes I know there are MSM reports and YT vids but they lack substance/saucing.


If anyone's bored please take a deep dive and see what you can come up with please.


I'll put a few more hours in later.



Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.6508864   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How else could you gain power in a rigged game than be an insider????


The light bearer is Lucifer and he wants everyone going in one direction! WWG1WGA


The more you know!


Jesus is the way!

Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.6509086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9100 >>9107 >>9148 >>9171 >>9188

Trump Signs Full Pardon for Former Media Mogul Conrad Black


On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump issued a full pardon for Conrad Black, a former media mogul who was convicted in a US federal court in 2007 of mail fraud and obstruction of justice and forced to pay hefty fines.


In a Wednesday statement, the White House said Black deserved an executive clemency because of the extensive disagreement among US Supreme Court justices about the charges brought against him, and his high social standing as "an entrepreneur and scholar."


Black served 3.5 years in prison after ​his conviction, following a successful appeal that reduced his sentence, and was released in 2010. Black was then deported to his native Canada and barred from entering the US for 30 years.


Trump has pardoned eight people so far in his presidency, and just one in 2019: Michael Chase Behenna, who was convicted in 2009 of unpremeditated murder and assault by the US Army after he killed an Iraqi prisoner.

Anonymous ID: 9446ca May 15, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6509133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9181 >>9188

Jewish Zionist media mogul Conrad Black on trial for corruption


'Burglars use crowbars, robbers guns. He used memos and lies'


Opening of Black trial hears claims of greed, lust for power and $60m theft


For all his wealth and influence, media mogul Conrad Black is little more than a common thief - except he used arcane financial documents rather than crowbars and guns to seize his loot of $60m according to American prosecutors.


In an opening statement at Lord Black's trial on racketeering charges in Chicago, assistant US attorney Jeffrey Cramer told a predominantly female jury that the former Telegraph owner had lied and stolen to prop up his position of international political leverage and finance a lifestyle of corporate planes, exotic holidays, and prime New York apartments.


"Bank robbers are masked and they use guns. Burglars wear dark clothing and use crowbars. These men dressed in ties and wore a suit," said Mr Cramer, gesturing towards Lord Black and his co-defendants Jack Boultbee, Mark Kipnis, and Peter Atkinson, "they do it with memos and documents and a few lies".

He added: "You sit in a room with four men who stole $60m (�30.6m). Four men who betrayed the trust of thousands of ordinary shareholders. Four men who decided that their multi-million-dollar salaries were not enough."


In a speech illustrated with graphics showing thick wads of dollar bills winding their way through a web of companies, Mr Cramer said Lord Black had forged a career in the 70s and 80s as an local newspaper owner in Canada and America.


But a desire for political influence led him to buy the Daily Telegraph, the Jerusalem Post, the Chicago Sun-Times and other international publications.


"Conrad Black didn't want to focus on small newspapers in places like Jamestown, North Dakota," Mr Cramer said. "He wanted his voice to be heard all over the world. He wanted to influence global events." The first day of evidence in the case was a landmark in Lord Black's fall from global newspaper proprietor to a 62-year-old facing the rest of his life in prison if convicted on 17 charges of fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, and obstruction of justice. He denies all wrongdoing.


Leaning forward in a leather chair, Lord Black watched intently, occasionally smiling slightly as some of his emails were displayed. Barbara Amiel-Black, his wife, and Alana, his 24-year-old daughter, sat in the public gallery behind him.


The judge, Amy St Eve, sat with a pencil tucked behind her ear, and occasionally drank from a bottle of Diet Coke.


The theft began, according to prosecutors, when Lord Black's Hollinger empire was struggling under a burden of debt in 1998. Lord Black and his colleagues shrunk the company by selling its 400 smaller papers, but wanted to keep up the lifestyles of multinational company executives. "These four were literally working themselves out of a job," said Mr Cramer. "They decided they would take proceeds from each and every sale, and put it in their pockets." Each time a paper was sold, Lord Black and his conspirators persuaded buyers to pay them millions in "non-compete" agreements not disclosed to Hollinger's board.