Nice unique photo you have there.
You convinced me. Cup of covfefe comin' up.
Hey God junkie. Stop namefagging. You look like a fucking moran, moran.
The idiots won't listen, so to them bomes their just rewards.
I am a homo faggot and like to suck midgets' toes. Sometimes all of them at once. I have a very big mouth, sayeth the Lord.
Tot he penis of Elijah, I have lain with many trollop. All praise my turnip.
Stop namefagging, idiot.
>No code monkey in the world can repair it.
It is technically possible to correct it. However, it is easier to throw out the whole industry and rebuild it from scratch. (I'd prefer the latter.)
Logic will only make them try harder. Kinda like punching a tar baby.
>the problem originated with Satanist pagan occult bloodlines seeking to take control over the One True Faith
Bullshit. The problem originated when criminals conspired to take other people's shit. Get your priorities straight. (And your view of reality.)
Most people don't know that namefagging is retarded. That's why I do it – because I am here to reach retards. I tell them all about the wonderful ways of my personal diety, which people here couldn't give a flying fuck about. I'm in your face because you have no choice (unless, of course, you filter me.)
They don't realize that their 'discussions' have fuck all to do with Q or cleaning up the swamp. They're just bored and their diety tells them they're supposed to convince everyone to believe in it like they do.
kek - nope, but I have no problem impersonating Tapey either. wink