I think Trump has a specific plan that she is being put there to fulfill. Everybody calls all the hiring/firing/hiring going on as "chaos"…but I just see him moving pieces around on a chessboard…setting his board up to win the biggest baddest chess game ever played. Some people are just "placeholders" til he's ready to bring in his big guns… It is now time for Pompeo to take down Clinton and Obama…and so he got called up to come do the job. I thing some are just there working in the background–even acting like they are screwing over Trump…and it is all a glorious game orchastrated by Trump. This Government 'Problem' is so big…so widespread…that he has had to make these lateral moves to keep people in line til it was time to take them down. I think he knows that the CIA is not "fixable" and is evil to its core….and I think this move is just 1 more layer towards cutting the head off the snake for good. Don't doubt him just yet….he's got a plan…and some of it has to be a long-game…we just have to stand strong in the meantime.
I actually think this selection of this woman with such a horrible record is what trump is going to use so that when it comes for her confirmation–the left are going to lose their minds as to how she cannot be the leader because of all these past 'abuses'…so that they take down the whole CIA without Trump ever having to fire a friggin shot!
Ya'll Trump has a "tell" (as in poker) when he's about to make a big move…I keep watching and he keeps pulling it out of his playbook–and it is awesome! When there is a "Big Issue" going on–An example is the whole "gun ban" crap….he will make an over the top straight into crazy town remark that makes the Left lose their damn mind—while Trump supporters are left scratching our head for a bit-wondering what just took possession of our presidents very soul…but he just lets it play out…he never even mentions it again…the FakeNews are out creating this big hoopla on the president has gone against every single one of his supporters and said we just need to take the guns and do due process later…even the left are now throwing up the constitution that "he can't do that"…and I can only imagine him ROTFLHAO everytime the Leftwing nuts preach the constitution to him….then after he has his fun for a couple days–and allowed the idiots to take enough rope to hang themselves he gives one of his little smirks and says "oh, of course there is no way to do that—with a little wink "but hey, left, thanks for making my case for me, that was great!" I think same principal on all this firing/hiring/firing going on—they want to call it "chaos" - he's just moving pieces around on his chessboard…some of these out of left field picks have the left out in force tearing that person to shreds…or talking about how stupid a choice that was…so that when he does fire them…the left already made the case it needed to be done. When in reality they were just placeholders while he got the rest of board in place for the kill. Like bringing Pompeo in just in time to take the whole Clinton/Obama Cabal down…and not only that, he knows the CIA is corrupt to the core and that it is not fixable–but he just needs to hold it in place until the time is right—which is why I think he just picked this woman to be the new leader…a couple points anyway—she's a female–first female-and the left just loves that…but also her record is beyond dismal–it would be bad for a man–but a woman—and her past–and Trump picked her….the left is going to take the CIA down all by themselves when it comes time for her confirmation—they will think they are dissing trump by bringing up all of her horrid past-IN THE CIA-which will bring out all of the CIA's horrid past–and if they are screaming for head on a stick…they arent going to have a leg to stand on when he can say "you know what, you are 100% correct…the whole CIA is just as horrible as this woman, lets just shut the whole damn thing down" what will they be able to say then? Not a damn thing. Trump will just be smiling and saying "Thanks kids for playing along, its been great!" And he does this whole little "show" over and over again…and they just keep signing up to "bring him down" and get played like a fine tuned piano! It's hilarious. So fellow Trumpsters, don't lose your minds when he goes "off script" and shoots across the bow straight into crazy-town…get the popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show!
I think the whole "joke" about being "president for life" was 100% scripted to a tee by him…he knew when he said it that it would be on the news all damn day long, accusing him of being a dictator, impeachment impeachmnet…blah blah blaah….so after letting them have their fun…he comments that he can not believe how stupid someone has to be to take what is obviously part of a "fun conversation", joking and having a light moment out of context and try to turn it into "news"…and it just undermines their credibility again…and if only 100 people wake up to "fakeNews" everytime he pulls one of these stunts, then that’s progress. And I think it is glorious!
and running into traps they set for themselves…trump just gives the "ingredients" to cook up a good story…then bam..lets them bust their own asses!!! My new favorite game–watching Trump be the cat toying with all these little mice….cant get enough
He's just a chess piece, brought in to play a part–probably something that will expose more corruption…then just like all the rest of these fools…he'll get knocked out—and take a slew of otherss with him…He's got a plan…get your popcorn and enjoy the show!