Anonymous ID: 5c7449 May 15, 2019, 11 p.m. No.6511167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1267


It is interesting we are having this discussion.


The ancient greeks did not believe in "one God" - and that there were many aspects to the divine forces and principles at play. Zeus was the god of the scribes and rulers. He was a force of authority and order. It was Zeus who overthrew the rule of the Titans and led the gods to inherit the world (that which they didn't leave to the Cythonians).


There were a few Titans who remained, however - Prometheus was one of them. Prometheus was particularly known for being a bit of a trickster teacher. He enjoyed setting up scenarios that would expose one to their own flaws, oversights, or ignorance. Kind of like Q from Star Trek, actually. He was certainly regarded as chaotic because he wasn't predictable and would defy Zeus at the drop of a hat…. But nothing he ever did was without purpose or reason.

Because there is no denying reason and no escaping purpose…..


Obviously, those who follow Zeus would consider Prometheus a pain in the ass when he wasn't a threat. He would overturn order and authority simply to prove a point. Like giving knowledge to Humanity. Zeus got really pissed over that, because it destabilized order.


The Greeks left it up to the individual to determine good from evil and right from wrong, from a spiritual standpoint at least. It was the point of Tragic Theater, and is the basis behind most media worth mentioning.

The rulers wish to maintain their rule and authority. They want a stable climate that is predictable and orderly. Technology, arts, knowledge… All of these things upset the stability of the society they ride atop. "The government wants people just smart enough to keep the machinery going but too dumb to figure out what is going on."


A growing and developing society isn't necessarily chaotic, but its order and flow is not one that follows from the authority or control of a ruler… And that is what this is all about. Who gets to determine humanity's future.

"I, Satsuki Kiryuin, am rising up to overthrow the life-fibers!"