Greek underground soundtrack. Producers in 21 countries operating from their bedrooms, synced from a lounge in Thessaloniki. Some real edge, great changes.
Greek underground soundtrack. Producers in 21 countries operating from their bedrooms, synced from a lounge in Thessaloniki. Some real edge, great changes.
Any anons who really want to know the score, listen up. Any patriots who really want to fight, this is how and where. This is 5G.
Watch this video of a public forum on small cell towers in Montgomery County, Maryland. This is the same county as the FCC headquarters. If you watch carefully, you will see everything you need to know in this video.
The overriding fact hovering over this meeting, which is repeated again and again, is that local government has absolutely no power against the FCC, as long as towers fall within FCC radiation guidelines. This entire debate is completely worthless, because even if dead bodies are seen piling up around towers, there's nothing local authorities can do. Bill Clinton's 1996 Telecoms Act, the most fascist law in US history, takes away absolutely any right you may have to oppose microwave towers outside your child's bedroom. You will hear that the FCC received multiple invitations to attend this meeting. Yet there is not a single FCC representative on the panel, or in the audience. They hide.
Around 1:41:56 in this video, a woman asks: Are we being used as guinea pigs? Have you done longitudinal epidemiological studies on towers placed so close together?
Watch, at this point, a real operative at work. A councillor called Hans Riemer immediately intervenes, he urgently has something to contribute. He starts by saying: "I agree…" and then goes on completely to change the subject, waffling about considering other possible sites. Hans Riemer was National Youth Vote Director for Barack Obama in 2008. This is high-class shill.
Fortunately, this brave woman persists in asking the question, and receives a direct lie from the tower manufacturer: "No, you are not guinea pigs."
There have been zero, zip, zilch studies of health around towers in the USA. Not one. The WHO in 2006 directed the world's researchers not to look at health around towers, and US researchers have obeyed.
My guess is that the WHO is going to use this directive as proof that you really were NOT guinea pigs. If we're not collecting the results, if we're not making any investigations, we can't be experimenting on you, can we. We just ignore the whole issue, and keep on ignoring it until all the infrastructure is up, and then we have you completely under control, and it really doesn't matter after that.
Here's a letter signed by 13 lawmakers in May 2018, asking the FCC's Ajit Pai why his agency refuses to answer their questions:
Here's a letter from February 2019 from Congress's Committee on Energy and Commerce, asking again why "you have also repeatedly denied or delayed responding to legitimate information requests from the public about agency operations":
The FCC is the most captured agency in the government. Even Harvard University says so:
– Ajit Pai, a Verizon lawyer, was Trump's pick for the FCC. Draining the swamp?
Seriously: watch this video. Every single citizen who speaks up, is against these towers. Every single one of them is a genuine hero. This is where the real war is being fought, in the public meetings. Get these bastards face to face, they have no answers for you. They really hate it when you confront them in real life, just watch them squirm in this meeting. They're totally happy if you sit there clicking away at home, where they can totally ignore you. You have almost no time left. Go and fight.
If you think the super-surveillance state, where your behaviour is monitored for smiles at appropriate times, is only for China, read this about ClassDojo:
ClassDojo is in "95% of all K-8 schools in the U.S. and 180 countries” with “1 in 6 U.S. families with a child under 14” using ClassDojo every day.
Watch their video to see how kids are monitored. Find the CBS 60 Minutes show, in which Anderson Cooper, the Lab Rat himself, reveals evidence of severe brain damage to 9-year-olds who use "devices" for more than seven hours a day. This is "premature thinning of the cortex", usually found in 60-year-olds going senile. Cooper says it's a "fascinating" finding.