I have Fibromyalgia, tender points, without pain relievers it can take away quality of life, everything you do, know that within hours or a day you'll have to give your body time to recoup.
I can't take Nsaids because it push my blood pressure way up I take Tramodal. I don't recommend it. Because most are looking for some kind of high from it, that not how it works, taken as if you were takening an advil, every 6 to 8 hours works to relieve pain enough so you can get on with your life, takes time to understand what is too much, the SARIs can cause some people to feel uncomfortable, irrational and to emotional.
If you are a happy up beat person, you could get too much.
If you understand and listen to your body you will figure it out.
So for me it helps with depression as well.
As far as Fibromyalgia goes it goes,along with other things , like RA , osteoarthritis, DJD lupus.
All these run in my family.