Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.651310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1530 >>1799


Preface to a Multi Chapter Decode and Analysis that reveals the identity of [P]

Note on Graphic - husband/wife anons…

Q has introduced us to and posted the letter [P] twice. The first post was on December 7. It had a huge amount of information "encrypted" in the post. This was an extremely important post. Yet the decodes have not come close to exhausting its data. As Q repeats over and over: 'YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW"

This post was not only an introduction to [P], it was a complete description of the current characters in the NWO power structure. And we later learn, on February 10, this mysterious [P] is "THE BEST" when Q posted: "Save the best for last. [P]"

In order to decode the entire post and the path to [P] will be much longer and more complicated than one board post (and many with ADD!) can accommodate. There fore I have decided to break it up into chapters, with the conclusion of [P] in the last chapter.

I will post these chapters all on one board thread and try to start near the top of the thread. As many of you will appreciate this has been a lot of work and like you all I am a volunteer. My intention is to follow Q's order to dig and share and create and advance a hive mind. Q has also stated the process must be organic. In my view that means we cannot rely on "facts and figures" and we cannot go down endless rabbit holes created by the NWO as traps and stumbling blocks to the truth.

As Q says we must USE LOGIC and EXPAND OUR THINKING. In my life (which has been over 60 years now) I have learned that most historical events and interactions have a common sense human explanation that can be traced in a SEQUENCE of events over time - lots of time. Q has really emphasised this lately by posting connections to historical events which are now seen as directly related to today's events.

So lets dig our own rabbit hole which leads to TRUTH and FREEDOM. . My only hope and intention is that my contribution helps to shed LIGHT where there is now DARKNESS. May God Bless all the sincere anons, and our dedicated leader DJT

Chapter One posting now…

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.651313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1530


Chapter One - The Execution Of Diana And Dodi Al Fayed - A Watershed Event

Note on Graphic - "The Innocent Victims"

Q posted November 5th on Princess Diana - why?

Dodi Fayed (DF) was the son of Egyptian billionaire Mohamed El Fayed (MF). Both were Muslims. MF moved to London in 1964 , and became extremely wealthy through connections and services to Arab rulers. The ruler of Dubai entrusted MF with helping transform Dubai, and MF also became a financial adviser to the then Sultan of Brunei.

MF was active and influtential in British social and political circles, but also disliked and distrusted by many. MF was involved in a variety of publicized business and political fights and scandals.

His son DF was in a romantic relationship with Diana, Princess of Wales, with whom he died in a car crash in Paris on 31 August 1997. His father claimed that the couple were executed by MI6 agents. How did they meet and why did MF later arrange a family vacation for the Princess? The background of their relationship is murky. Most reports state that they crossed paths at Harrods and/or various social events. However, there is an initial encounter that was both personal and direct.

DF was a movie producer whose credits include the Peter Pan based film "Hook." DF later planned a live action version of Peter Pan and had to seek approval of the copyright holder, Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, which had received the copyright to the Peter Pan works in 1929.

Princess Diana – an international celebrity and the People's Princess, was President of the hospital from 1989 until her death. Although not disclosed in most general accounts of Diana's life, Diana appears to have first me DF at the time he sought approval of the copyright use. It has been reported that DF "…shared his ideas with Princess Diana - she stated she "…could not wait to see the production once it was underway."

MF later arranged the fateful summer vacation which led to the public romance of Diana and DF and their subsequent death. It is reasonable to presume that after they met on the Peter Pan approval, other encounters ensued such that the subsequent vacation inviation was planned and accepted.

This was obviously the tipping point for the Royal family which, according to MF, then planned the death of them both. This death would accomplish the elimiation of any chance that a Royal would marry a Muslim, but also exacted clear and express revenge on MF - the death of his son as payback for his inexcusable meddling into the affairs of British society.

The execution of Diana and DF was more than a big news story - it was a true watershed event in the coming destruction of the NWO, and to the ultimate outcome of the gloabl conflict being revealed by Q. It leads to the identity of [P]

Why is there no Diana memorial erected by the Royals? Why was the Innocent Victims statue removed after MF sold Harrods? Why is this a WATERSHED EVENT in the Q Revolution?

Watch for Chapter 2…

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.651316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1370 >>1484


Chapter 2 - The Origin of [P]

Note on Graphic - Jacob Rothschild and John Rockefeller

Chapter 1 ended with a query: Why is the death of Dodi Fayid and Princess Diana a WATERSHED EVENT in the Q Revolution? Why did Q mention Diana?

ANSWER - Because is exposed the real attitudes of the NWO - and specifically the Windsor family and the British establishment - towards their Arab world agents, supporters and cash cows. It made it clear that the power groups looked down upon and were just using the Arab "partners" as pawns - that Arabs were not fit to marry into their sacred bloodlines. The NWO are not the only ones proud of their bloodlines - Arab culture is highly sensitve and protective of family and reputation - This will be connected to [P] in later chapters.

Now with that back story in place, let us consider the key question - the identity of [P]


Q Introduces Us To [P]

"P" was first mentioned on Dec 7 2017 in a long post that was partly straighforward and partly cryptic. The decode of this post will support the reveal of [P].

The [P] post is connected with a series of photographs posted by Q on the same day. First, the [P] post clearly describes the global NWO leadership structure as follows:

The first line of the post is: "Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)"

By now we all know that the ROTHSCHILDS are at the top of the NWO cabal. But why does Q post (cult leaders)(church)(P)" after the name "Rothschilds"?

Examination of the rest of the post will answer this question. However, whatever the decode of line one reveals it is clear that the line one group controls the entire structure.

Q reveals this by posting: "Banks / Financial Institutions - WW Gov Control - Gov Controls People" in order.

Q has now confirmed that "Banks / Financial Institutions" are controlled by the Line 1 group, which in turn control "WW Gov(ernmets)…" which in turn control '…People" Who controls the "Banks / Financial Institutions"? Rothschilds - so Rothschilds control the whole structure with these institutions, each playng the role described by Q.

And this clarifies the rest of Line One and why the categories are listed after the "Rothchilds." It is because "…cult leaders)(church)(P)" that "follow" the Rothschilds (one line one in the list) are controlled by the Rothschilds.

Q next expressly states the role of Saudi Arabia in the current order: "SA - Oil

We are all aware that SA has massive oil wealth and in partnership with the United States, using the ARAMCO structure, dominates the oil industry (tech). So SA has massive cash and has used it to "…control US and UK Politicians…" which have been "…assigned…" to them by the Line One group. Q also confirms that SA plays a primary role in global child and sex trafficking, a second source of massive cash flow - this is illegal cash - very suitable for bribes and corruption.

Q also states that SA has (primary) control "Tech Co's." which presumably refers mostly to Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets. This is confirmed by later Q posts which identify Al-Alwaleed (Trump's "Dopey Prince") as a major figure in this effort.

Q next expressly states the role of George Soros in the current order:

"Soros… Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)"

This seems pretty clear on its own. The reference to DOJ settlements refers (among other things) to the bogus Consumer Financial Protection Bureau whichTrump is in the process of dismantling.

Next, Q posted: "/\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers) \ (present) (Future)

The three sided structure before the word "Rock" represents three recent patriarchs of the Rockefeller clan: John, Nelson and David ROCKEFELLER - this family has been part of the NWO for several generations, but is fading. Q states this by including the word "past" and indicates that their "authority over followers" has been curtailed at this time ("present"). This was caused by a partial takeover of the Rockefeller companies by Rothschild in 2012, and by the death of patriarch David Rockefeller in 2017. Note one pillar of the structure is missing; thus the ('future") of this family in the NWO is uncertain.

The balance of the post does not relate to the identiy of [P] and will not be analyzed here.


Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.651323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1416


Chapter 3 - The Rogues Gallery

Note on Graphic - Top Rogues as Posted by Q

ON December 7, the same day Q posted for the first time about [P], Q posted a large number of photos and the statements "Pictures unlock ‘deal' presented that was declined."

WHO IS IN THE PICTURES? After reviewing all the 8chan links and various decodes, I was surprised to see that these photos have NEVER been fully decoded (shame on us anons!) I am not a autist but I identified the ones I feel are relevant to the [P] decode.

Included in the phots are:

ROTHSCHILDS - Lynn De Rothschild and her husband, Sir Evelyn De Rothschild. Among many other things they run the NWO showpiece magazine "The Economist" (anons may want to dig on The Economist - the covers of the Year in Review issues are a map to the cabal)

BRITISH ROYALS - Prince Harry (Princess Diana's son who is now a major cabal/NWO player) Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles (globalist asshat who cheated on Princess Diana)


No introduction needed - these are all NWO players.


We all knowwho she is.

SAUDIS - Bandar Bin Sultan - Prince Al Alwaleed Bin Talal - Misc. SA entourage

Bandar was huge - the Ambassador to the USA thorugh Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. In 2012 he was appointed Director of Saudi Intelligence was removed in 2014. Involved in many NWO intrigues - a definite black hat. We all know Dopey the Prince = another black hat.

PRES. OF SYRIA - Bashar Assad- shown with Al Alwaleed

Key player in Middle East linked to all conflicts and global balance of power struggles.

SALIM IDRIS - George Bush meeting with Chief of Staff of the Syrian Army


DAVID ROCKEFELLER - now deceased - putting the (future) Rockefeller role in question - see previous chapter.


We all know who he is,

These are major players from the current roster of day to day "operators" of the cabal, and at the END is a photo of THOR'S HAMMER (TRUMP) A message to the cabal.

It may be deduced that [P] is not one of the parties identified in the pictures for two reasons: First, the list on line one of the 12/7 post identifies the 3 categories of persons who are controlled by the Rothschilds - that is "…(cult leaders)(church)(P)"

Second, Q expressly states that he has SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST - that is he has saved the identity of [P] for last.

The plot thickens…

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.651330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1405 >>1471


Chapter 4 - part One - Arabs, Jews, and Rothschilds

Note on Graphic - Money and Oil

Before [P] is revealed we have to recap the essence of Q - not just specific posts but the totality - the zeitgist - the underlying themes - of the Q posts.

Q has decribed a globalist structure that has dominated poltics buisiness and commerce for decades - if not centuruies - with the aim of total control of the entire world. They want to CONTROL YOUR MIND with SPELLS and MAGIC and MEDIA LIES - and thereby cause you to voluntarily and persistently relinguish your FREEDOM to them.

The current roster/generation of players - the cast of characters AS THE WORLD TURNS is always connected to or by the previous generation and/or its key players.

The institutions or CHURCH and STATE are corrupt tools of the globalists who have bought and paid for their services. They go along and do as they please and fight amongst each other and advance their own agendas UNTIL THEY ARE TOLD TO DO OTHERWISE. If they refuse - as they often do - they will be dealt with.

The Jewish people are one major key to understanding the history and events of the world. This is true because among many other factors unique to the Jewish people, the leadership of the global cabal is the massively powerful Jewish Rothschild family.

Despite this massive power, the Jews have been among the world's most prominent victims, tools and pawns of the NWO. In fact the Jews are the most famous and notorious victims in human history. This proves that although the Rothschilds are Jewish their primary alleigance is to the NWO. The NWO is greedy and materialsitc and evil. They fight amongst each other relentlessly - but their COMMON ENEMY IS ALWAYS WE THE PEOPLE.

The Rothschilds, with justification, have claimed substantial credit for the establishment of the modern State of Israel. With all we know now it is fair to say it would not exist without their support. Why did they do so? Because they are loyal Jews? NO. That may well be A reason, but it cannot be the primary reason becase the well being of the Jewish "hoard" is not their core agenda. It has to be a globalist reason.

And Q tells us that reason is always the same - to expand and continue the dominance of the global elites. Exactly how the creation of a State of Israel advances that objective is another topic altogether - too large for this story about [P]. That said, it is obvious that the place in the world that launched three major world religions is going to play a huge role in a globalist plan.

Thus, the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was a massive event in world history and global politics. This event had the potential to advance the power and influence of the Rothchild empire exponentially over time. So Rothschild had to help create it and then control it. Part 2 posting now…

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.651334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chapter 4 part 2

It is now critical to point out that during this same period, another major develpopment occured that was to shape the Middle East, and the rest of the world for centuries to come. That was the rise of the middle eastern oil states. Although oil had been a strategic resource as far back as the 1930's, the role of the oil reserves increased in importance and had gained total global dominance as a natural resource by the 1970's. And with the rise of oil power came the rise of the middle eastern nations that controlled huge and easy-to-access reserves. Soon Arab states were raking in world shaking amounts of hard cash.

The need to incorporate these vast sums of money into the globalist network was soon apparent to the powers that be. Again the story of how this was accomplsihed is beyond the scope of this story - but it was accomplished and after the dust settled Saudi Arabia emerged as the leader and kingpin of the Arab oil states. Not since the fall of the Ottoman Empire had Muslims been a major part of the gloablist power structure.

Is it likely that the State of Israel could have been created if the Arab states were as powerful in 1945 as they are now? In any event by that time Israel was a fact. Nevertheless, the Arabs have since commited to changing and reversing that fact - to wipe Israel off the map. Again a topic that is beyond the specific purpose of this story. But the states that made those attempts were not the big oil nations - the war on Israel came from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

The Arab oil states always preferred to flex their new muscles on the world stage while secretly supporting their Arab brothers - whether nations or terror groups - with funding and safe havens. And so it has been since the great Six Day War. But that war left some big complications - Israel having annexed Palestinian lands as buffers against further agression from the neighbors. To make matter worse, the Zionist elements in Israel sent our hordes of settlers to occupy these lands.

Again such has been the same situation through decades. What could occur that would change this stalemate?

Stay tuned for the FINAL chapter…

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:35 a.m. No.651340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1388 >>1449 >>1572


Chapter 5 - [P] Revealed - The Best for Last

Note on Graphic - The Princess in Pictures and Words - A Voice for World Peace

So now you have the historical context and knowledge of all the players in the drama as it existed from around 1945 until…. until when? until 2016 when POTUS TRUMP wins in a landslide and stuns the entire world establishement.

Thus began the 2nd American Revolution in which we few anons and autist have been so chosen and privialged to observe as it happens in real time. EPIC is the word.

What POTUS has accomplished in just over one year is another miracle - but lets just focus the [P] - the BEST as it was promised to be offered to you in this series of chapter. It will all become apparent in due course - soon we all pray.

First the importance of the Princess Diana execution and why it was a watershed event. As noted before the rise of the Arab nations as a global player was forced upon the globalists. The Arabs controlled the oil and there was nothing to be done - at least short term. (there is significant evidence that the wars of the recent decades are exactly about the globalist gaining complete control of mid-east oil, but that is a different topic and in any event was interupted by POTUS.)

POTUS said of Princess Diana: "I couldnt help but notice how she moved people… she lit up the room with her charm, her presence. She was a genuine Princess - a dream lady." High praise indeed.

So here is the answer - Until the execution of Diana the oil rich Arabs believed theyhad entered into the gloablist control structure as a partner in crime, so to speak. But the execution of Diana exposed the true attitudes of the old guard - that they loathed the "sand niggers" and considered them lowly scum. Such is the attitude of elite against ALL WE THE PEOPLE - we are nothing but beasts of burden in their eyes.

The Arabs opened their eyes and realized this when the Royals executed not only one of the Arab elite - they even sacrified their own daughter Diana - for the offense of loving a Muslim/Arab man. This is no different than Rothschild allowing his people to suffer and die if they are not needed for the nefarious agenda. So the proud Arab people now had to acknowledge in their heart that they were not then, nor ever would ever be accepted by the gloablists as one of their own.

The seed of rejection was planted in their souls and it grew. But was it a new seed? Hardly - think of the fact that for nearly 2,000 years the Arab religion has been considered the unholy/dirty/rejected brother of Judaism and Christianity. So in fact the Arabs have an inferiority complex stretching back all the many hundreds of years.

Over the centuries Arabs have waited and prayed for their day to come again - this is the basis of all the JIHAD and terrorism. But the rich Arabs who thought they were above WE THE PEOPLE - including all other Arabs who they looked down upon - finally learned the truth when they suffered the massive Royal insult. The lesson learned was that to the Rothschilds and the Windsors the ARAB elites were just one more group of WE THE PEOPLE to be treated as slaves - forever.


Part 2 posting now…

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:36 a.m. No.651343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1348 >>1409 >>1448 >>1465 >>1561 >>1608

Chapter 5 Part 2 CONCLUSION

So when at last world events conspired and offered the Arabs a chance to topple the elite, they took it. And surprise - it was the election of POTUS Trump. Becasue POTUS had for long decades plotting and planning the restoration of WE THE PEOPLE. And he knew it required the destruction of the NWO cabal. But he had planned carefully and the FREEDOM AND PEACE of the world was at stake.

What was STEP ONE in the POTUS plan? What was the very first huge event that occurred in POTUS first year? Answer = the complete reversal of the role of SA and the Arab world. POTUS played two cards - the first was the fact that he could now prove to the world the nefarious and illegal role which SA had played. This included not just sex trafficking but the events of 9-11 as well. But SA could have fought and survived the POTUS attack on these grouunds.

No - the decisive card was that the Arabs wanted to topple the power elites who had used them and decieved them and never respected them. The same ones who sacrificed any and all who did not serve their interest. The Arab heart told them what to do - to avenge the murder of a beautiful princess and one of their own Arab brothers. They saw their chance and they took it. The rest is already history. SA and the Arabs are with POTUS.

That was a KEYSTONE of the POTUS plan. POTUS went on to enlist the support of Russia and China and many others. Soon this bore wonderful fruits. The first was the elimination of the North Korea threat.

Q posts on March 8: "Thank you Kim. Deal made. Clowns out. Strings cut. We took control. Iran next."

That was really winning - no doubt, with a prediction that Iran would also be settled - even better. But an anon wondered outloud of Iran will be " a tougher nut to crack?"

So on March 8, Q casually responds with "(Resolved by 11-11.)" Whoa! Bravo Q. Better still.

Finally on March 10 Q gives the last key to the [P] puzzle:

"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time."

So NK solved - then Iran solved. then "saving Israel for last"




Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.651411   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes - because it recd a large # of very positive comments in the bread but baker didnt pick it up

important Q info - please comment on substance if you dont agree

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 7:51 a.m. No.651460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1491 >>1910 >>2071

Some observations on Red Pilling

Consider the fact that about 25% to 30% of the nation are hard core liberal loons. These are the true deplorables and they will never change or convert any more than WE THE PEOPLE will abandon POTUS.

The leaders of this looney bin are the 4-6% that Q says are "lost to us." WE THE PEOPLE can co-exist with the remainder of this group BUT we can never again allow them to control the agenda or even to waste our priceless time and energy.

if you look at the numbers about 1 out of 4 persons are in this left looney bin category. As the average family is at least 4 persons, then you are assured that at least one member of your immedate family is in this category. When you condsider skewing and demographics in many families it will be worse - but 1 out 4 is a minimum.

I'm guessing you all know who that is in your family - Is it a coincidence these are always the high maintenance types? the bullies who demand attention? The ones who always have reason they need attention or someone to tell their problems to?

OK these are the 25%ers. So how do we deal with them? My wife was an MD and she used to say "Treat 'em like a psych patient" In other words be professional, polite, but cold. Do not engage emotionally - it sucks your life away.

Want a perfect example? Sarah Huckabee - watch her technique with a room full of tantrum cry baby asshats. You can't do it better than Sarah. You will find that once the cry baby sees you are no longer being TROLLED AND TRIGGERED by them - they will back off - but DON'T let your guard down - the moment you do you they will go back into character (think of POTUS "Snake" poem) - then you will have to start over.

Spend all of your red pill energy on those in the 75% that are normal human beings.the rest treat as psych patients - Trust me it works.

Anonymous ID: 631851 March 13, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.652061   🗄️.is 🔗kun


tx for the thoughtful reply

all the chapters made it in this bread

plus BO just started a new thread for deep research so anons can access better - a nice idea

so i will post there later - (got you with the pink bow pepe! thats my wife…kek)