Anonymous ID: 12f3a0 May 16, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6513362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3373 >>3379 >>3382


you are going to get 5g. Deal with it. Here's your choice of two bad choices.

1- Chinese 5g

2- American 5g.


In short ppl are asking the WRONG questions about 5G.


Why 5G when the interent and everything else gives us everything we could want?


Answer: follow the money. Who gets rich?

follow the control AND MORE money by following the DATA.


-cashless transactions (huge money maker for the transaction managers but not for those with money)

-MOAR fucking automation we don't need

-IoT: Surveillance and driver less vehicles


Black Pill: You are not going to stop 5g. Even sabotage will not stop it it/ Without change there cannot be money made. With out control they cannot make the changes.


What u can do: do not buy IOT enabled things, if you do then do not hook them up.


Asking questions wont help because the exact same playbook was used with PPACA (and the general population is a bunch of idiots). Getting organized to make laws will. But that never happens because people are sheep.


I've written 50+ laws for my congress critter and not one went anywhere. But a lobbyist writes one and bam…just look a CAIR's (democrat) sponsored muslim hate speech law. Yeah..for the people my ass.

Anonymous ID: 12f3a0 May 16, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.6513671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3690


the fact the globalists are pushing Islam, even the D party (over that of dual citizens) is promoting Islam under a lie. Islam never gives up or gives in, it cannot. Islam hasn't changed it's mind on gays, however islam will not kill a gay man that transgenders… go figure. Meanwhile- kill the women for being gay, because a woman cannot transgender, infanticide any girl babies, genital mutilate then and kill them for being raped or dating or whatever the Imam allows. Oh implement sharia law police that use a "the biter" and this kill a 10 year old girl because her ankles were showing….


No it's not gayness, because in the lib-prog globalist world, Islam rates higher than homosexuality.


Given my choice, I'd rather have quietly living gay people than Islam.

Anonymous ID: 12f3a0 May 16, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6513780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The delcass has been coming "for months" but was to be after RR was gone. Well RR is gone as of 5-11. he got a ncie party. The boom is not to announce a declass "that maybe" next week. The boom is the declass this week. But hey, It's only Thursday and the week does not end until Sunday. If nothing happens Friday after the market close, then somoen needs to tell me this week's booms. Dems reading teh report in public isn't a boom, the pdf has been out there for weeks. We know what is in the report.


Either that, or I want an exact definition of what a boom is and not what anons think it it is. The last boom was ethanol, which is nice for corn farmers but resolves none of the corruption.


I really wish something would PUBLICLY happen. Having Trump exonerated is a boom, but the libs I see on social haven't got that message and just doubled down on stupid.


The movie needs more public action, right now it's a slow pokey drama or a slapstick comedy.


>>6513247 Only if the idiot owners hook it up. "someone hacked my fridge". Just for shits and grins, I hope someone puts Halloween pros in an IOT fridge just to see if google will call the cops because of body parts in the fridge.