Anonymous ID: b3aded May 16, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6513807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6510286 (PB)

The positive to the bat-shit decodes is that we have people actively looking, 100% of the time, for encoded material. We look inside photographs, drawings, take the 40,000ft view of sculpture, quotations and so on. When it DOES arrive (as it sometimes does), we have eyes on it and trained minds looking for the patterns that indicate its presence.

Sometimes its "palm >face". In fact, frequently it is. Once in a while, though, someone pulls a diamond out of the shit and it's all-over-a-sudden worthwhile.

>>6510230 (PB)

Rick closed with a couple of excellent observations … that when we permit abortions, we have agreed that we can kill unwanted humans. Once we accept that, the discussion becomes an issue of age.

The distinction between abortion and capital punishment is a false dichotomy because the two lives are not equal. In the case of the abortion, the unborn child has committed no violation of the law warranting the death penalty. In the case of judicial executions, the person has committed horrible crimes after being born. We all start with a clean slate and a good name … and not much else. The criminal has written evil on the slate of his/her life and has destroyed their good name. The unborn child has not. The criminal has earned the execution, the unborn child has not.

Cooper was trying to trap Santorum. Santorum has seen that trap before and evaded it rather than confronting it while still raising the question of who might merit an execution.

>>6510102 (PB)

Yes ,,, and YOU are the author of it.

>>6510403 (PB)

So why, when I attempt to copy the robot directly to email, does the paste say "Fu"? I can "save image as", then pick it up again and paste it just fine.

>>6510442 (PB) Here's a source that seems reasonably reliable. It DOES have an agenda "No matter what your opinion of abortion, the fact that it disproportionality eliminates members of the minority community is a significant sociological problem.", however, I do not find it to be an objectionable agenda as it is based on the known and observable facts. Whether you think a high abortion rate for minorities is a sociological 'problem' or not will depend on your overall social goals.

BTW, we are not here to do your research for you. If you have "an itch" about something, do your own research and report back. That is how we contribute to the usefulness of the board and "pay our way" here.

In this case, I used the search term "abortions by race" and came up with a long list of sites which seem to rely on the same or similar raw data.


TLDR: A black woman is 5x more likely to abort than a white woman. If blacks stopped murdering their kids for a fairly short time, they would be the dominant race in America. Many states (21) do not report abortion stats by race or ethnicity, making definitive assertions impossible.