Anonymous ID: da3c5a May 16, 2019, 9:26 a.m. No.6513279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3295


You should be necked for snitching to government clowns.

Handle your own problems or go live under a goddamn rock.

Mother fucking SHEEP always need BIG DADDY GUBMENT to come save them.

Anonymous ID: da3c5a May 16, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.6513306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3318


>See something, say something

Told you to by a fucking NSA agent aka a GOVERNMENT STOOGE.

Jesus christ, the absolute state of the amount of boots licked while claiming to want freedom for the American citizen.

Pathetic fucking nigger.

Anonymous ID: da3c5a May 16, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.6513325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3335


Nigger confirmed.

Guess you're perfectly fine with the unconstitutional "patriot act" and mass government spying on citizens.

Your kind should all be dead to be quite fucking frank.

Anonymous ID: da3c5a May 16, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6513448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460 >>3468 >>3470


Not sure about the family(unsure of their part(s)) unless they are complicit, but the entirety of the governments of the world need to be purged.

Those who allow traitors to go unpunished(collaborators) should be purged.

Those who prop another person up to Rule over the rest should be purged.

Those who are too weak to admit they are ruled by psychopathic criminals to only prevent those who would stand up to tyranny from freeing the people of the world should be purged.

"It's classified" is another term for "traitor".

Governments only classify(hide information from the world) to protect their dark secrets.

Any man who props up another man to rule over them is a weak coward.

Just think - if we didn't have governments fucking everything up then maybe we could grow our own food, grow fucking weed if we want, could actually get a job to support our families without pissing in a goddamn cup, start our own businesses without having to take out 10's of thousands of dollars in permits, contracts, etc.

It's useless. The people have once again been corralled like the sheep they are because they were too close to actually waking up…so Que the Q movement to restore faith in our tyrannical government once again, top fucking goddamn kek.

Fuck their bolt-holes and their bunkers and their energy power plants, which are protected by blackwater-type mercs. Get a few thousand patriots and go in there with your swinging dicks and kick them the fuck out. Yes, by force if necessary.

People don't want to be free, period. Let's give more of our American tax dollars to Saudi Arabia shall we? Let's give more to Israel shall we? Fuck America though, amirite? Pfft.



Anonymous ID: da3c5a May 16, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.6513489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am beginning to believe that it is indeed in the blood.

Makes sense why the run all the blood banks and companies like 23AndMe.

Anyone who goes into government or seeking a place of power is a narcissistic, demented fucking scumbag. I don't care how much they smile and put on a good front.

Your average person just wants to be left the fuck alone but they force THEIR will onto everyone else. It's sick.

Anonymous ID: da3c5a May 16, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.6513569   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There's the sickness right there.

You all want to bring these evil people into a court, to be judged by man-made laws(ironically made by those same evil bloodlines/families), give them some kind of lawnigger sentence so they can get paid through the 'system-of-things'.

Here's a thought - they're bad and evil people kill them and be done with it so we can go on about our lives.

Find more evil people who are doing evil shit like murdering and raping kids? Kill them on the spot. Fuck dragging out a years-long court process just so lawniggers(another fucking plague on humanity) can fatten their pockets.