24 hour waiting period? Has she checked out wait times in most markets to see a specialist? You're lucky if you can get an appt 6 werks out! kek Out of touch much?
I came home from workfagging that night and was soooo confused for about 10 minutes. I was like wtf is going on? For a second, I thought Q jumped boards instead of threads.
The chans have completely desensitized me in a way. When I see gore rekt or sick porn i just scroll by, block it out. Every so often I'll hide image if it's particularly sickening and I'm reading something close by.
Scottsdale, AZ. There's a sick spirit the satanist cabal has brought into AZ. It needs to be purged.
If you count the window, there are 11 objects in a circle around POTUS. POTUS himself (or his chair) would be the twelfth.
Yeah, no, never. I've seen gore shit that's almost made me gag on my beer, though.
The papers and the phone are inside the circle so I didnt count them. The tissue bax and napkin holder are in the same position so I counted them as one. Didn't count the blotters, either. Just positions on the circle.