Anonymous ID: 334083 May 16, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6517049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7058

I'm beginning to understand that the entire Russian collusion hoax wasn't the actual crime, but is "merely" the criminal cover-up for a much larger, underlying criminal conspiracy. The DS needed the Russian dossier to start officially spying on Trump – because they had already been illegally spying on Trump, Cruz, and hundreds of others. The Obama admin, in conjunction with and with the help of the MIIC, weaponized the NSA to spy on people in order to blackmail and extort them. This includes Americans and foreign nationals.


They extorted and blackmailed people into supporting the Deep State agenda here at home and abroad, and to force their c_a assets into other countries to destabilize regions and keep the perpetual wars going in order to maximize profits. Extortion, blackmail, drugs, human trafficking, child abuse, porn, spying, arms dealing, nuclear materials, state secrets, intellectual property, double-dealing, war, terror, death and destruction, you name it, the Deep State and the Obama admin was up to their eyeballs in it and they stupidly assumed that they would never be exposed (muh scandal-free administration) because Hildabeast was supposed to win (by virtue of their dirty dealing, vote manipulation, and voter fraud).


When Trump won, they realized all their nefarious schemes would be exposed (we'll all hang!). Hence the Mueller investigation was born to try to impeach Trump. That failed and they are full-on panicking. However, the Deep State isn't panicking over the Trump dossier revelations so much as they are panicking over the 80% of the iceberg that remains submerged. Once we start down this rabbit hole, God only knows where it will ultimately lead, but suffice to say that everyone that got an envelope before Bush Sr's funeral should be considered a flight risk.


The whole Trump collusion hoax is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much, much more that will be uncovered in this process, and this will expose the largest, most insidious criminal conspiracy in American history.


This was probably obvious to everyone else, but for myself, my scope of the situation just expanded exponentially.