Anonymous ID: a06914 May 16, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6516467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6638



The truth is

Life is a lie.

Your very existence is based on a foundation of lies.

Religion has corrupted faith.

Slavery never ended.

It advanced.

How are you different than the ancient slaves we hear tales of?

Because they give you dollar dollar bills y'all?

How many poor souls were born to work the factory line only to die pushing the same button they've been pushing for 30 years?

You've been tricked into living the all mighty dollar.

What are you going to do with your parents when they're elderly?

Put them in a nursing home to rot?

All so you can't be bothered in yote pursuit of a dollar bill?

In the ground

Wealth means nothing.

We can't avoid it.

You can't pay off death in this life.

Every aspect of your life has been controlled.

Emotions manipulated.

Thoughts corrupted.

Bodies poisoned.

They create disease to control you.

They create cures to make you feel better with side effects requiring more cures [pills]

You have been oppressed.

They have stolen your power and lied to obtain your consent.

the truth is…..

The matrix is real.

Pay attention.

You can see it if you look close enough.

Everything is connected.

(Q)uestion everything.

Take your fucking power back and think for yourselves.

Break your chains by freeing your mind.

Create a life worthy of a God.

You're his mirror image.

As am I.