Anonymous ID: a8232d May 16, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6516530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6579 >>6927

US-China Trade War: ’Trump is Not Going to Back Down… This is a War of Values’: Curtis Ellis



May 15, 2019 Updated: May 16, 2019


Video of interview embeded at link.(Not yet post to YouTube by American Thought Leaders)

or, Really great read. (Excerpt posted. moar at link.)


The Chinese Communist Party is engaged in wholesale economic aggression against the United States. This is something that’s often lost in a lot of the discussion you see in the corporate media. They think this is some type of commercial dispute. There’s a bigger picture which we will get to.


But there are at least seven forms of direct aggression that these tariffs are in place to address. You have the cyberespionage, the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China. It’s been systematically hacking into government computers, industrial computers–our industry, our companies–and our military computers, grabbing personal information on millions of Americans, trade secrets, and military secrets. What they can’t steal they put a metaphorical gun to the head of American businesses and say: As the price of doing business in China you have to hand over your blueprints and your trade secrets. You’ll form a joint venture with the majority Chinese owner–a partner, majority owned by the Chinese partner–and you will give this joint venture all of your blueprints and plans and technology. And American businessmen naively think this is a good idea.


So the Chinese Communist Party and their ideology really doesn’t recognize private intellectual property anymore than it recognizes private real property. So your patents, your ideas, your copyrights–meaningless. And they feel completely at ease stealing them, counterfeiting them, ripping them off. This is costing American companies hundreds of billions of dollars a year. That’s the third form of economic aggression that these tariffs are in place that we’ve asked China to do something about to fix, which they’re not doing.

This is the new opium war. I’ve called it. And, look, China was subjected to this more than 100 years ago. It was disgusting, it was horrible. The British Crown created the opium trade to subjugate China. And they’ve learned their history well. And the Chinese Communist Party is now turning the tables and using this form of– really it’s a form of chemical warfare against the American body politic to dispirit and humiliate and discourage and depress the American population.

Anonymous ID: a8232d May 16, 2019, 4:49 p.m. No.6516579   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>US-China Trade War: ’Trump is Not Going to Back Down


"What’s at stake here is not simply cheaper TV’s or cheaper T-shirts or everyday low prices at the department store. What we’re witnessing is a contest over who will own the future and over the continued existence of American ideals–what we’d call Western ideals–freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, private property, individual rights. Because the Chinese Communist Party does not believe in individual rights. They believe in collective wisdom or collective leadership or obedience and authority. They don’t believe in private property. Freedom of speech extends only if you speak what we deem to be proper speech."


"Politically correct speech. Yes. Thank you. Freedom of religion–no such thing. Ask the Uighurs. Ask the Christians. Ask the Tibetans. Ask the Buddhists. Ask, it’s not a religion, but ask the Falun Gong if you’re allowed to follow your conscience. The Chinese communism–socialism with a Chinese characteristic–is still an atheistic philosophy, a materialistic philosophy. They don’t believe in any higher spiritual dimension. We do here in the West and in the United States. Will America continue to exist? Will all of these ideals that I just went through continue to exist? A world that is where the supreme power, where the top power is the Chinese Communist Party will be a very different world than the world we live in. Censorship will be the norm. Direction–everything will be directed by a central authority. It’s already starting to happen where you see … CBS. CBS is censoring its content according to the wishes of the Chinese Communist Party so as not to offend the Chinese. Marriott Corporation fires people who offend the Chinese because they want to do business in China. And China’s … the communist commissars say: Well, you can’t talk about this, you can’t do that. And anyone who does must be fired, so they fire them. We can’t allow that to happen. And that’s exactly what’s at stake here. And I tell people that if America were to be subordinated to the Forbidden City of Beijing, your children and grandchildren applying for a better paying job at a company owned or that wishes to do business in China or owned by the Chinese, your kids and grandkids would have to get in line behind how many millions of the children of the Chinese Communist Party and would have to toe the line. Because we see this social credit score where everything you say and read and write and post, and have you taken the quiz on Xi Jinping thought, and have you passed the quiz? Did you get a high enough score on it? That determines what jobs you’re allowed to have. That determines what apartments you’re allowed to have, what schools you’re allowed to go to. That’s the future that they have in mind for the entire world. And that’s what’s at stake here. It’s not about cheaper T-shirts or a cheap television set."



Anonymous ID: a8232d May 16, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.6516742   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The military is pushing media out of the area (4000 ft away) because of the live ordinance


>The business the jet crashed into is called 'SEEWater'


>Pic related is the company that the jet crashed in to.


Brings to mind Watch the water

Anonymous ID: a8232d May 16, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.6516826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NYC 'protest' today to help Raise Awareness about the Brutal Persecution of people in China


Nearly 10,000-Strong Parade in New York City Highlights Persecution in China

Practitioners of spiritual practice Falun Dafa call for end to nearly 20 years of suppression


May 16, 2019 Updated: May 16, 2019


NEW YORK—Striking traditional costumes, colorful banners bearing messages of hope, and resonant melodies performed by a 500-strong marching band—these were the highlights of a parade held in Manhattan on May 16 to commemorate World Falun Dafa Day.

"Nearly 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners from dozens of countries marched across Manhattan, from the United Nations Plaza at 47th Street and Second Avenue, through Times Square, and finally ending near the Chinese consulate on 12th Avenue.


The parade was both a celebration of the peaceful practice and a remembrance of those suffering under the persecution in China."

Anonymous ID: a8232d May 16, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6517092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7115 >>7123




Confirmed: Gorka Retweeted twat with Q post #2959 from Q follower Lisa Mei Crowley.


"Reminder…at least one FISC judge met with Hussein who ordered the start of the spy campaign which was officially logged twice for foreign & domestic spying. Was it Contreras? Did he recuse fm @GenFlynn's case because he approved the FISA on the General?"




>me wonders if certain maga media fags who are anti-Q are there to serve a purpose. that they were instructed to denounce Q so that those who just cant accept the existance of Q can still have an outlet to be redpilled at a much slower pace

