I honestly hope you get red-scarfed.
Military Industrial Complex is a joke.
People signing their life away to go take others' just because their corrupt government says it's okay.
When will you all wake up, fully?
The red pill is not the last pill.
>go back to reddit
Only said by niggers who came from reddit.
Go fuck yourself, how about that you stupid goddamn piece of shit.
Maybe if mother fuckers wouldn't sign up to go kill people then the evil bastards who run the world wouldn't have all the power they do?
Ever fucking think of that?
Because you're a mouth breather who is impressed with flashy explosions in the sky.
Fuck you.
You government boot lickers sicken me.
>some did not sign
How retarded are you, pseudo intellectual nigger?
A draft?
Hmm..again, a power GIVEN to the government by the PEOPLE.
Thank you for confirming you're a kike.
Go back and try to learn some real history, thanks.
Start with a "standing army".
Still waiting on the retard to go figure out what a standing army means.
Renegade 44 on ice?