Able to bake'
Got a handoff, baker?
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Able to bake'
Got a handoff, baker?
Fastolo postolo
You got the dough, baker?
You taking this dough, baker?
Nah, you can have this one. Maybe nb if you're ready.
You got it! Have a good bake.
Handoff confirmed, absolutely
>>6517282 UK parents gender transition son & foster son, 7 and 3, to female – High Court praises them for it!
Note who's involved:
The Tavistock Centre Gender Identity Devel. Service TAVISTOCK.
When I read stuff like this, I'm glad we're reporting on it.
I'll nom
but it's better to wait for a nom, anon. Some spaces or formatting would be nice, too.
TAVISTOCK Gender Identity Development Service
Most anons know that Tavistock Institute has been associated since around 1920 with mind control and programs like MK-Ultral.!topic/ozgurmilliyetciler/45m6wgL7EUo
Now it looks like Tavistock is "helping' parents sort out their children's gender identity issues.
Are you kidding me??? Disgusting!!
Here's a mini-dig on the Tavistock GIDS program and the GIDS website. The word "Tavistock" isn't mentioned much. And when it is, it's in TINY print. Gosh, why would that be??
You have been posting over and over again–same stuff. And asking for a notable, too. At least TWICE, two different bakers.
Which Breitbart article?
Went looking for the "breitbart article" you refer to (did not find yet) but found this one instead:
NHS Child Sex Change Clinic Chief Resigns After Damning Report
by Virginia Hale Feb 27, 2019
Breaking off a 35-year-long association with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Marcus Evans quit after it dismissed an internal report branding its Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) “not fit for purpose”.
“Adolescence and childhood is a time when people are developing socially and biologically — a time when young people are identifying with different groups, and with male and female aspects of themselves,” Mr Evans told the BBC’s Today programme Monday……