Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6518741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nusra Front Terrorists Plot Provocation in Syria to Frame Russian Personnel


Terrorists are planning to film imitation of Syrians getting poisoned next to Russian shrapnel and spread the video online in western media, Russian military reported.


Militants of the Nusra Front terror group are preparing to stage a false-flag provocation in Syria's Idlib province to frame the Russian Aerospace Forces for allegedly attacking civilians with chemical weapons, the Russian Defence Ministry said on Friday.


"According to residents of the Serakab settlement, in this area, Nusra Front militants are preparing a provocation with poisonous chemical substances and fragments of Russian aviation munition… The provocation is aimed at accusing the Russian Aerospace Forces of allegedly using 'chemical weapons' against civilians in the Idlib province," the ministry's Center for Syrian Reconciliation said in a statement.


The militants were planning to film the alleged poisoning of civilians next to the fragments of the Russian munition to subsequently spread the footage across social platforms and western media outlets, the military added.


"The information received by the Reconciliation Center from the residents of the Serakab settlement has been checked and confirmed with another independent source," the statement added.


Over the past weeks, terrorists have reportedly increased the number of shelling attacks on the Syrian provinces of Hama, Aleppo and Latakia. They have also been attempting to attack the positions of the Syrian army in the region. The government forces have responded by boosting their attacks on terrorists in the province of Idlib, targeting depots, artillery positions and observation posts of the al-Nusra Front terrorist group.


At the beginning of the month, Russian Defence Ministry reported that militants fired 12 rockets from Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone toward Russia's Hmeymim air base in Syria. The statement came a day after militants shelled the Hmeymim air base twice, using multiple launch rocket systems. All of those attacks, however, resulted in no deaths or destruction.

Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.6518755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No shit


Israeli State Intelligence Service caliphate is what we are trying to stop!


Sell Muslim Zionist and sell out Christian Zionists are just as bad as the Jewish version!

Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.6518775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

77 Civilians Killed or Wounded in Sana’a as Saudi Airstrikes Target Yemeni Capital


The murderous attacks have enraged local residents, who took to the streets of Raqas to condemn the airstrikes and loss of civilian life, calling for counter-attacks on Coalition forces


SANA’A, YEMEN — “Where am I?” muttered 50-year-old Ahmed Sharf al Adeini, as neighbors pulled him from the rubble of his home after it was hit by a Saudi airstrike. Al Adeini lost his wife and children in the attack and later died after succumbing to his injuries at the al Thwarah General Hospital.


Al Adeini is among at least 77 civilians — including women and children, as well as two Russian citizens — who were killed or injured in a wave of Saudi-led Coalition airstrikes on various neighborhoods of Yemen’s capital, Sana`a on early Thursday. Dozens of civilians also sustained injuries in the attacks. The son of Abdullah Sabri, the president of the Union of Yemeni Journalists, was also among the dead. The Sabri home was destroyed in the attack.


The airstrikes that targeted the home of al Ahmed Sharf al Adeini killed his entire family, including four children. The six bodies of the al Adeini family were retrieved from the rubble — a soon-to-die father, his children and his wife, all buried together. Three mentally disabled people were also reportedly killed in the attack, including a child and his father as they walked through a populated residential neighborhood that was targeted.


The airstrikes leveled parts of one neighborhood in which seven more homes were destroyed, forcing families to flee in their pajamas. “We were asleep; it was 8 a.m. when a large explosion woke us up. Airstrikes bombed our neighbor,” a local resident told MintPress.


Under dim lights and amid panicked screams, rescuers struggled to retrieve bodies from the rubble. MintPress cameras documented the rescue efforts while bystanders filmed on their phones as a victim was being pulled out from under the rubble. “So far we’ve recovered more than 10 [bodies] including four disabled people and the family of al Adeini, all of them dead,” a local resident assisting in the rescue efforts told MintPress, drenched in sweat and wearing only his underwear.

Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.6518798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8851 >>9031 >>9208 >>9284 >>9433

Armed F-16 jet crashes into warehouse as pilot ejects at California military base


A fully armed F-16 fighter plane has crashed at March Air Reserve Base outside Riverside, California, damaging a nearby warehouse. The pilot ejected safely.


Firefighters in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, have requested a hazardous material response team, because the plane was loaded with ordnance and external fuel tanks, according to KNBC-TV.

Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.6518825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9031 >>9208 >>9284 >>9433

This One Funny Swedish Law Might Help Assange Escape Extradition to US


Brits hand Wikileaks founder over to Sweden where he faces rape charges. But Swedish law makes it difficult to extradite people accused of politicized crimes


The Swedish Government’s decision that there is “still probable cause” for Julian Assange to be tried for a sexual offence committed against a sleeping woman nine years ago is a political gift to the British Government. London lawyers specializing in extradition cases say it is now up to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, the British justice minister, to decide whether the Swedish charge against Assange is more serious than the US charge of conspiracy to commit computer hacking, filed against Assange in London on April 11. That’s a political decision Prime Minister Theresa May will make, if she remains in power. It’s a move she is believed to have negotiated with the Swedes to avoid a judgement by British judges that American prosecutors are too prejudiced for Assange to get a fair trial in the US.


“When there are competing requests the Secretary of State [Javid] decides which request takes priority,” the source said. “There are various mandatory, though not exhaustive statutory considerations including when requests are received and the gravity of the allegations. Given the respective allegations, the potential time limitation issues in Sweden and the history of the matter I would anticipate that would be a strong factor weighing in favour of the Swedish request.”



Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6518843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869 >>9031

US tech industry regulations are ‘no longer subject to democratic checks & balances’ – Macron


France’s President Emmanuel Macron has taken a jab at Washington by saying that its policies relating to the tech industry are at the hands of corporations. A quite surprising statement for one of America’s closest allies.


The French leader said that US policies, in fact, fall short of being a paragon of democracy – at least when it comes to regulating the field of modern technology – as big business has seemingly too much of a say in formulating Washington’s approaches in this sphere.


“The United States is a formidable continent but they have a model which is completely steered by big private sector players and which is no longer subject to democratic checks and balances,” Macron said at a question and answer session at a technology forum in Paris, where he championed the idea of protecting European companies from being devoured by foreign, and particularly US, corporate giants.


The French president did not stop at that and added that such a laissez-faire approach has led to a situation, in which America does not in fact have a government that is capable of guaranteeing its citizens’ privacy rights at the face of corporate privacy intrusion. He was also equally critical of the Chinese regulation model by calling it over-restrictive.


Macron also vowed that, in contrast to all the foreign technology regulation models, which he was so keen to portray as flawed, a European model would be “competitive, innovative … democratic and driven by the common good.” He also expressed his desire to make Europe a global “standard bearer” for tougher regulation of digital technology.


While being apparently eager to point out the US’ mistakes, Macron omitted the fact that his policies were not really close to the ideals of democracy either, particularly in the field of regulating content on the internet.

Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:32 p.m. No.6518875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9031

Secret Satellite Photos Of Iranian Missiles In Persian Gulf Behind Intensifying Crisis


As the international hand-wringing continues over whether there is an actual heightened "Iran threat" with American troops in the cross hairs, and as some US allies - notably Spain, Germany, and The Netherlands - actually withdraw their forces from US operations support in the region, we must ask at this point, what do we actually know in terms of Bolton's original intelligence cited earlier this month which sparked the ongoing crisis?


Aside from knowing much or all of the intelligence was reportedly provided to the administration by Israeli Mossad,

we have the piecemeal explanations of both top admin officials and regional allies. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Iraqi officials during his unplanned stopover in Baghdad last week that "U.S. intelligence showed Iran-backed militias moved missiles near bases housing American forces," according to Fox.


FFS fucking fake af

Anonymous ID: 127a31 May 16, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6518973   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Muh glory I can claim I was there and was Anjel Gaylord (Assuming the J is silent)


Thens I can makes me some money even tho I only been here five fucking minutes!


You belittle anything positive you may bring by famefagging homo