jacinda ardern
funnel-web spider, will kill you quickly
then there are the deadly snakes,sharks..and stingrays
the american black widow spider came in via container ships and mated with the aussie redback spider, a deadly combo
ask steve irwin about stingrays….kek
cute koalas will scratch your eyeballout
even those cute kangaroos can disembowel you with one swipe
the abos will drink you to death in a drinking challenge…
Yeah, maybe she likes swingin' her dick around like her soul sister, Moochelle Obongobama ?
anon, that image is spine chilling
human sacrifice for sure
see the drainage grating going round the base of the sacrificial plinth, for the blood
fkn sick bastards, they need to hang
>My feeling is Australia is seriously FUCKED.
Lots of seriously bad pedo/sacrifice shit in Australia, particularly South Australia, where police and judges are involved in the pedo cults
NZ just as bad,if not worse.
People think NZ is a lovely cute little unspoiled Island down-under….
the truth would shock