What a prophet is like.
If you look with "natural" eyes this is all true. Your last line about trusting in God is right on, though. I am angrier than I've ever been in my life and I have taken up my spiritual weapons and I use them. Seriously "bad@%$". I've even been locked up in psych wards of US federal prison ( a devastating and horrible time). Seven years "crazy" and now a warrior the like the world hasn't seen. I WAR for my inheritance on the spiritual plane. And I win, EVERY time because I serve God through His Son Jesus.
I disagree about Australia. Not "hopeless" at all. The reason guns are important against the cabal is because they are afraid of them. Only cowards are afraid of guns. Cabal are cowards. Moms with vaccine injured children are starting to establish supportive communities in Australia. NO government schools, no social welfare..restoration of communities. The "anti-vaccine (really the "anti-fangs of satan" movement wins the day EVERYWHERE). Real science and Biblical Christianity (not a religion a relationship with God through His Son Jesus) lay the cabal (Baal) flat.
We're all "comped" when we don't approach God through His Son, Jesus. The system is IN us. We have to defeat it supernaturally, through spiritual new birth. Our (fallen) minds say "spiritual" is not real. NO. Spiritual is MORE real. Spiritual trumps (note the word) physical every time. Receive the the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ and then you can fight cabal (Baal) and win.
I think we need to also look at PP as a site of human sacrifice to Baal and/or other demonic entities. Despite all assurances, PP murders innocent babies and sells their parts to researchers who use them for things like vaccines. Creating literal blood guilt on all of us. In other words, these horrific images (the one you posted) of places that are used to sacrifice people ritually are not the only places of human sacrifice in America. We need to tear down and destroy ALL the altars to demons. PP is one of them, too. When "normies" begin to see this, it will break down barriers to identifying all other places of demonic ritual.
The masonic connection really hit home with me. My grandfather was VERY high up in the masons. Worked nights so he could go to his lodge or whatever during the day. I think EVERY day. My dad rejected this. No secret societies. He was a brilliant man, though. In later years I literally went through an informed prayer to rid myself of the masonic legacy. If I remember correctly someone or maybe several people had "leaked" information about the levels and someone composed prayers to reject it all. Odd but I don't have many photos of my grandfather. Like he was "excised" from my history somehow. Human sacrifice at masonic temples/lodges would make sense. Why are masonic temples/lodges windowless. Mormon temple near St. Louis is similar. Large stone WINDOWLESS structure. Hiding demonic places in spas/hotels is another massive piece to this puzzle.
So many children disappear from CPS custody! Could CPS be providing children to this evil system? It has already been credibly alleged that CPS is the largest human trafficking entity in the US. I have to wonder: Where do they find children to use for these evil purposes?!
I actually like one or two songs sung by Katy Perry, but I HATE this one. The lyrics are clearly and totally demonic. I once saw a video posted by a Christian showing little girls dancing to this nastiness. I decided that every time I heard that song I would believe for God to set little girls free from this bondage. Two ends being accomplished: Discourage the enemy of my soul from promoting the song, see people set free. The angels representing each child have a place before God and we know what happens to those who lead little ones astray.
When the "judgement" of man fails the Judgement of God does not. Out of the "frying pan" (earthly court) into the FIRE (eternal burning apart from God if you fail to repent and receive forgiveness of sins through Jesus).
I pray for God to give me my inheritance. Property tax and such make the fake government the apparent "real" owners. I have faith that my "place" will be given me by God and no one will be able to take it away.
I don't share much personal history here, for obvious reasons, but you are correct about needing to resist this on a "violent" level. I don't mean murder or actions that are clearly sin. I trespassed on property belonging to PP and once knocked some things around inside the building. I plead guilty to some charges I now dispute (I was in desperate fear for my family over the existence of a satanic alter in my community and I felt the horrific dread every day) because I was falsely accused of targeting clinic workers. I had NO INTENTION of harming a human being. I only wanted to disrupt the abortion business for one day. My charge/ charges ended up being federal. I spent about a year in psych wards of US federal prison (refused halfway house) and was on psych drugs for seven years. I paid about $6,700 dollars in restitution to PP in order to buy the place a more secure door! Some of that money came from disability payments I got because of my psychiatric diagnosis. It was hellish warfare and I was a mental invalid for a long time afterward. Seven years later got of psych drugs and realized that I bashed the "gates of hell" in absolute weakness, but because of the Love of God am completely victorious. In the natural the consequences were devastating, though. My husband divorced me, my children ended up in the care of a person who was pretty diametrically opposite me and even people in my church thought of me as a criminal/violent. I pray that if the penalties I paid for what I did are correct that proportional justice would fall on those who are killing babies.
GUYS. I just searched "SBCT" from the capitalized letters in the 3rd tweet. Look at what I found!!
Check out what SBCT stands for. US Army.
SBCT. "Stryker Brigade Combat Team" A basic deployable unit in the US Army. In Trump's tweet about the Border Patrol he "misspelled" "Release" as "Telease". So… the caps after Border Patrol give "SBCT".
Anyway, I thought it was a pretty cool "coincidence".
YES!! Did you see Del Bigtree on The HighWire, yesterday. The best health related investigative journalism show, IMO. If we don't resist vaccine mandates NOW, a lot of people will be caught by surprise when they want to visit grandma and have to get a flu vaccine, a pneumonia vaccine, plus the shingles shot. A few adults have apparently already DIED from the adult "schedule" which is threatened to be "mandated" soon!
If it isn't "dried down" with glyphosate based herbicide we may be able to grow wheat in space to save ourselves from eating "Round-up" every time we have a slice of bread! No kidding, probably the only way to avoid this ubiquitous poison (glyphosate based herbicide).
Yes! I simply love eco-villages, intentional communities, Amish, Mennonite. SMALL human communities often related by marriage and births. I think it is the way. I sometimes tell God that I want to go back to "the garden".
I don't think we should let this subject drop. The image/video of children in that place of demonic sacrifice (apparently released at the cost of someone's life) is too awful. I would like to know how many immigrants are lured into involvement with the masons. I once encountered a person who was starting a business as a translator. He apparently was used by government agencies to translate in cases where a child was suspected of being abused (if I recall correctly). He was also a mason (not saying he was into anything bad, many people probably join at the lower levels to get into a "club" that will help them be part of a community). My point: Access to children makes people a target for compromise plus people who want to harm children look for situations where they can gain access to them.