Has anyone collected notes for the incoming baker?
>>6519814 Good Morning W&B, glad to see you in five….b/c you're not really here yet…..
>>6519852 Top Gun! Woo Hoo!
Don't have a lot. Kappy's back. The Politico article re: Flynn has been in pb's but never notabled. And just a general 'good thoughts for AusFags'.
>>6519512 Keep a good thought for AusFags - Fed. Election tomorrow (May 18)
>>6519734 Persons 'connected to' Congress may have tried to influence Flynn
>>6519779, >>6519785, >>6519797, >>6519825 Standard Hotel Miami Spa re: Kappy
>>6519855,>>6519852 Noice! Sullivan re: Flynn was previously notabled in brd. #8333
>>6519892 Thank You Baker! Make it a great day!
>>6519934 Not really sure there's a protocol, but I generally do something like: Reminder: (insert notable).
>>6519934 Great Job BTW - let me know next time and I'll shadow you! Always need good people and collecting is the springboard for bakering.
>>6519958 I find https://qresear.ch/ easy to use. For example: on the Sullivan Notable, I just typed "Sullivan" in the search box and scrolled down. Congratulations on your baking! It does get less nerve wracking - The boss showed up on my second bake and I think it took about three hours for the anxiety to go away!
>>6519958 Another trick is that if an Anon posts quotes from the original article, you can use a phrase from that quote on Qresear.ch. If you click on a post in Qresear.ch it will take you to that post in a new tab - at least it does on my rig. Happy Hunting!
>>6519985 Wilhelm shows up in the hussein WH visitor logs one time and was in a two person meeting. The other person? A UN sustainable development finance manager (pic related).