There's already a program to do that happening. It's called diversity.
>There must be a plan for Australia
The only plan happening in Australia is bringing in millions of people from the third world.
WTF am I watching?
>We need Democrat votes and all will be well!
The same people who have been going on for two years about Russian collusion. These are the people that Trump needs to help him. If the democrats put up any half decent candidate then Trump will be a one term president.
She's black and female. She gets double brownie points under diversity.
>Trump Twitter on fire. Two more. Screen cap of last 4.
>Don't get comfy, illegals!
He'll be out of office before any laws are changed and illegals deported. He could very well be the last republican president ever. The demographics will mean a permanent democrat majority nationwide.
They only need someone that doesn't trigger republican voters like Hillary did. Since Trump hasn't delivered on immigration a lot of potential voters won't bother voting unless democrat candidate is extremely bad.
>New DJT
No it wasn't treason. Unless they were siding with an enemy of the US. Plus I seriously doubt that no campaign for president has ever been spied on in US politics. In fact I would be more surprised if there was a campaign that was not spied on in US politics.
>They used foreign intelligence agents to establish grounds for usurping the President of the United States. That is Treasonous Collusion.
That is not treason when the foreign agents were from allied countries. A serious offense but not THAT serious. If they used Russian agents then maybe a case can be made for treason since Russia is supposed to be the evil bogeyman, again.
>The moment That false dossier was used to spy on and try to remove a sitting President, Treason happened.
Attempted coup maybe but not treason. Treason is the worst possible crime and requires you betraying your nation for the benefit of an enemy nation. That US lapdog Guido from Venezuela for example would be rightly considered a traitor since he's taking sides with the US against his own country which is under threat from the US.
>A failed coup… IS treason you genius.
No it's not unless you are working for an enemy of the US.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Conspiracy to murder.
>The patriot act and other recent acts installed by BHO make any person classified as an "enemy combatant" eligible for being a traitor.
Treason is betraying your own side. By definition you can't do that if you are an enemy combatant.