HOw much more will be proven to be lies? Why wouldnt they lie about one of the most important events of the 20th century? When our own Secretary of State is likely a Cabal puppet how can we ignore the possibility that either the elite in Germany or the elite military or the top of the SS were Cabal in Germany and Hitler never could get totally rid of them because they had all sworn blood oaths to the masons or illuminati? Could Hitler have made a grave mistake by not cleaning out the country with the SA? Should of SA have created a peoples Army? Little chance of cabal at top positions? Maybe breathing space as the cabal has to start from scratch infiltrating?
Goering and Himmler spawned the tails of a SA coup and Hitler bought it? He seemed actually angry at Rohm for so called betrayal. That was perhaps Cabal making sure the SS became the top security force? A smaller group more likely to managed by the Occult Himmler?