Anonymous ID: 583a5a May 17, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.6521980   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Russia collusion was all a hoax. Trump admin were all set up to cover up Establishment's Treason/Sedition. You know why? Cause she was supposed to win and nobody would be the wiser. Dems/Reps (Establishment) are angry. Why won't they help POTUS close the border? $$$$$$$$. Little girls and boys are worth lots of money to them. Where do you think the 700,000 missing children are? where? Allowing MS13 stocked with fentynel is worth millions to the Establsmnt. It's a big club and we weren't members. Well, until 2016. 70 million of us are now The Club. More like a Revolution. You cannot have open borders and a welfare state. Impossible to have both.

8 years of corruption and listening on phone calls and reading emails and recording in your home by Obama, Clapper, Brennon, Comey, etc. These were the upper echelon of FBI/CIA/DNI etc. These are the scumbags who are getting the rope.

In their greed, and most importantly, they forgot about our hero Police Officers and FBI who protect us everyday. They trashed them all. They got greedy. They lost their souls. And now all our Law Enforcement are suffering. And guess what, you've all been FIRED! Think people!. If they did this to Candidate Trump and continued spying on President Trump, BECAUSE A CORRUPT JUDGE GAVE THEM THE RIGHT TO, what do you think they can do to you?! The crooked traitor lost. See you in court ya bunch of treasonous bastards.