Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6522309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2337

General Flynn Brother Joseph Flynn: Mueller Team and FBI Lied About How Long They Had Been Spying on Mike Flynn


On Thursday court documents were released that show the extent of General Michael Flynn’s cooperation with the Mueller-Weissmann Special Counsel.


Micheal Flynn’s brother Joseph Flynn spoke to FOX News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge. Joseph Flynn says the Special Counsel withheld information from General Flynn on how long they had been spying on him.


This is evidence of more Mueller-Weissmann criminal activity.


Catherine Herridge: The former National Security Advisor’s brother is reacting to this key section to the Mueller Report. That indicates Mike Flynn was already under investigation during the 2016 presidential transition.


Joseph Flynn: General Flynn went through 19 sessions with the Special Counsel, approximately 90 hours of tortuous interviews, and this never came up the entire time. And you would have thought it would have and they would have maybe focused on that but it didn’t come up at all which was an absolute surprise when the Mueller report came out.


Catherine Herridge (reading from page 238 in the Mueller Report): Previously the FBI had opened an investigation of Flynn based on his relationship with a foreign government. Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak became a key component of that investigation.


The Deep State FBI was spying on Flynn earlier and they never told the Trump campaign that General Flynn was under investigation.

Every day we learn more and more about these criminals in the Obama administration and intelligence community.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6522320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Treason!" - Barr Finds "Government Power Was Used To Spy On American Citizens


In his first pair of interviews since being sworn in, Attorney General Barr told Fox News and WSJ that he was pursuing the investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe - an investigation he has tasked


John Durham, the US Attorney from Connecticut, with leading - because Americans need to know whether the government "put a thumb on the scale" to try and undermine President Trump both during the campaign and during the first two years of his term, just like "we need to ensure that foreign actors don't influence the outcome of our elections."


Separately, he told WSJ that "government power was used to spy on American citizens…I can't imagine any world where we wouldn't take a look and make sure that was done properly."


Barr has doubled-down on using the term 'spying', which has angered Democrats, after first using it during Senate committee testimony from April 10, where he uttered the now-infamous phrase "I think spying did occur."


‘This was treason:’ Trump hints at ‘long jail sentences’ over ‘FBI spying’ on his campaign

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6522330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2352 >>2360 >>2366 >>2448 >>2561

Trump Admin Notifies 500,000+ Employers They Have Workers With Bogus Social Security Numbers


The Trump administration has notified more than 500,000 employers that some of their employees’ names do not match their reported Social Security numbers in a new move to crack down on illegal aliens.


The move is reminiscent of Ronald Reagan, who in 1986 signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act that put the onus on employers by making the act of knowingly hiring undocumented people a criminal offense.


Since March, the Social Security Administration has mailed out “no-match letters” to more than 570,000 employers, telling them of the mismatched information on their employers.


“The notices do not necessarily require employers to take action, but direct them to take steps to reconcile mismatches, which would require contacting the workers. Undocumented workers who are notified of the letters by their employers often choose to quickly resign, fearing scrutiny from federal immigration authorities. But employers who do nothing could also face enforcement actions,” the New York Times reports.


In 2016, there were nearly 8 million illegal aliens in the U.S. labor force, the Pew Research Center reported. But in 2012, during Barack Obama’s time in the White House, the government officially stopped sending out “no-match letters.”


Trump has been cracking down on illegals in the country as he tries to secure the U.S. border with Mexico. He’s also been hammering China over tariffs as he pushes his “Buy American, Hire American” plan, on which he signed an executive order.


Mark Hinkle, the Social Security Administration’s acting press secretary, told The Times the department is simply enforcing current law.


“Social Security is committed to maintaining the accuracy of earnings records used to determine benefit amounts to ensure people get the benefits they have earned,” he said in an emailed statement to the paper. “If we cannot match the name and SSN reported on a W-2 to our records, we cannot credit earnings to a worker’s record.”


On Thursday, Trump laid out a new immigration plan that would push the United States toward the kind of merit-based system many other nations use to control who comes into their countries.


Under the new proposal, the number of immigrants admitted into the country based on job skills would rise from 12% to 57%. In order to make room for more merit-based immigrants, the percentage of people allowed entry because they have family here would drop from 66% to 33%. In addition, the number allowed in via claims of asylum would also be cut, from 22% to 10%.


The number of legal immigrants, though, would stay the same at about 1.1 million every year.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6522341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372 >>2448 >>2561

Wells Fargo Banker Pleads Guilty To Helping Launder Millions For Sinaloa Cartel


A 30-year-old Wells Fargo personal banker pleaded guilty on Thursday to knowingly opening bank accounts for people working with the Sinaloa cartel for money laundering purposes.


Luis Figueroa of Tijuana admitted to the scheme which spanned the United States, according to Business Insider.


Between 2014 and 2016, money laundering organizations recruited people who would open bank accounts for the cartel's drug money, according to the US Attorney's Office in the Southern District of California. The operation laundered over $19 million dollars in narcotics proceeds.


The drug money would be deposited into the bank accounts, also known as "funnel accounts," in amounts below the threshold for regulatory reporting. -Business Insider


Drug money would be picked up by cash couriers - often stuffed into "shopping bags, duffel bags or shoeboxes," after which it would be deposited at Wells Fargo and other banks, according to a DOJ press release. Couriers traveled to Los Angeles, Chicago, Charlotte, Boston, New Jersey, and New York City to pick up drug money into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, picking up the money in private residences or public places such as parking lots or retail stores.


The couriers would deposit the bulk cash in $22,000 - $45,000 increments at various banks used for laundering, including Wells Fargo, after which funds were transferred into Mexico-based shell corporations operated by the launderers - which would then be transferred to the Sinaloa Cartel.


Figueroa, who was arrested in November in the joint FBI-IRS investigation, personally made several wire transfers from funnel accounts knowing that he was dealing with drug money. He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.


Eight other people were arrested and charged in the scheme.


"We can't allow our banks to be laundromats for cartel cash," said US Attorney Robert Brewer. "Bank employees who launder drug money for traffickers will face prosecution and prison."


The Sinaloa cartel is one of the largest drug trafficking groups in the world. Based in the West Coast of Mexico, the first lab believed to have produced fentanyl was found at a home in Sinaloa's state capital.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6522362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2417 >>2448 >>2561

’Fraudulent’, ‘poorly sourced’ & ‘DANGEROUS’: Trump strikes out against ‘fake news’ on Iran


Amid rising tensions between the US and Iran, and rumors of war, President Donald Trump has blasted what he called ‘fake news media’ coverage of the issue, warning that it could be “dangerous” for the country.


Trump’s tweet condemned the media for their role in spreading fraudulent information about the recent crisis with Iran which kicked off after authorities noted “a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings” coming from the Iranian side.


In light of hawkish proposals by National Security Advisor John Bolton and dangerous maneuvers by the US military near the Iranian border, Trump’s level of involvement in the decision making process has been debated. Some feel the president is being “pushed” into a conflict not of his choosing. Others, however, feel Trump’s hard-line attitude including pulling out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal make him equally complicit in the escalation.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.6522379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Gov’t Now Openly Admits Pentagon Asks for Money to Directly Fund Terrorists


For the last several decades, the US government has openly funded, supported, and armed various terrorist networks throughout the world to forward an agenda of destabilization and proxy war. It is not a secret, nor a conspiracy theory—America arms bad guys. The situation has gotten so overtly corrupt that the government just admitted the Pentagon asked Congress for funding to reimburse terrorists for their transportation and other expenses. Seriously.


“The Defense Department requested fiscal 2020 funding to support certain reconciliation activities, including logistic support for members of the Taliban and, in March 2019, they sent a notification letter to the Committee on using fiscal year 2019 funds for similar activities,” a spokesman for House Appropriations subcommittee on Defense Chairman Peter J. Visclosky (D-Ind.) told Roll Call.


According to the Hill, the money would pay for the terrorist organization’s transportation, lodging, food and supplies, the spokesman said. He also said the Defense Department’s request “would implicate provisions of law concerning material support to terrorists, the Taliban’s ongoing offensive operations against U.S. service members, and their continuing lack of acknowledgement of the government of Afghanistan or the rights of women in Afghan society.”


The line between the ostensible “good guys” and the “bad guys” has gotten so blurred that the good guys are now openly supporting the bad. It’s a story straight out of The Onion, but in real life.


Steve Ellis, executive vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, agrees and told Roll Call that the funding request for terrorists is like “life imitating the Onion.”


“Even if you leave aside that they are still conducting operations against our interests and allies, having to pay for someone to be at the table undercuts our bargaining position and demonstrates their lack of enthusiasm for a deal,” Ellis said. “I’m sure the Taliban would like whatever cash we’re willing to give them, but it’s not like they aren’t able to continue funding their fighting. How about using some of that cash instead of American taxpayer dollars.”


Fortunately, because these warmongers were so overt about their request for money to give to terrorists, the new spending bill prohibits reimbursing Taliban expenses.


“None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to pay the expenses of any member of the Taliban to participate in any meeting that does not include the participation of members of the Government of Afghanistan or that restricts the participation of women,” the legislation said.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6522389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2448 >>2561

Donald Trump Warns Illegal Immigrants Released in the U.S.: ‘You Will Be Leaving Soon!’


President Donald Trump warned Friday that migrants and illegal immigrants released into the United States should not get comfortable.


“Please do not make yourselves too comfortable, you will be leaving soon!” he wrote on Twitter.


Trump commented as border officials are daily releasing thousands of immigrants apprehended at the border into the United States as part of the catch and release loopholes in U.S. immigration law.


The Department of Homeland Security revealed that about 9,000 border crossers and illegal immigrants have been released into the United States in just eight days.


But Trump argued that the immigrants released by border officials were only in the United States temporarily.


“All people that are illegally coming into the United States now will be removed from our Country at a later date as we build up our removal forces and as the laws are changed,” he wrote.


Trump praised border law officials for record numbers of apprehended migrants and illegal immigrants at the border, as the wave of migrants from Central America continues into the United States.


“Border Patrol is apprehending record numbers of people at the Southern Border,” he wrote. “The bad “hombres,” of which there are many, are being detained & will be sent home.”


Trump again called for Democrats to work with Republicans to fix the existing asylum and security laws to help defuse the national emergency at the border.


“The Democrats now realize that there is a National Emergency at the Border and that, if we work together, it can be immediately fixed,” he wrote. “We need Democrat votes and all will be well!”



The Democrats now realize that there is a National Emergency at the Border and that, if we work together, it can be immediately fixed. We need Democrat votes and all will be well!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 17, 2019


Border Patrol is apprehending record numbers of people at the Southern Border. The bad “hombres,” of which there are many, are being detained & will be sent home. Those which we release under the ridiculous Catch & Telease loophole, are being registered and will be removed later!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 17, 2019


All people that are illegally coming into the United States now will be removed from our Country at a later date as we build up our removal forces and as the laws are changed. Please do not make yourselves too comfortable, you will be leaving soon!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 17, 2019

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6522395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2448 >>2561

Dutch Ministry of Justice covered up ‘serious crimes’ by asylum seekers. Rape, battery, murder, etc. listed unspecified as “Other”


Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reveals attempts by the Ministry of Justice and Safety to obfuscate the amount of crime committed by asylum seekers. In an article published on 16 May, the paper writes that despite promises of openness, the Ministry has attempted to hide serious crimes by misnaming them ‘other incidents’. Those ‘other incidents’ include rape cases and child abuse.


This deliberate attempt at misleading the public comes after De Telegraaf had to resort to legal steps in 2017 to get data on crimes committed by asylum seekers. Then, the Ministry denied keeping a separate registration, claiming it had no figures to release. In reality, the police kept statistics, with De Telegraafclaiming the sheer volume of the files kept the authorities from releasing the information.


In what the paper dubs a ‘painful affair’, two years later the Ministry is up to its old tricks again. The aim is yet again to obscure: it is the Ministry that grouped a 1000 ‘other crimes’, and yet again De Telegraaf had to resort to police sources to fill in the deliberate blanks.


Of the 1000 ‘others’, 79 were sexual offences, ranging from sexual assault, to sexual abuse of children, to rape, to possession of child pornography. Police were called for 51 cases of battery, 31 cases of murder or manslaughter. There were 5 counts of kidnap or hostage taking, 4 times it was for human trafficking, and 73 times there was a disturbance of the peace.


The Ministry, meanwhile, professes its innocence. A spokesperson blames the police for not giving exact enough data. But the fact that the police has the information, implies that the Ministry could have demanded the information, according to Jasper van Dijk, MP. He concludes that “it is remarkable that the Ministry didn’t report this [want of information], this is a lack of transparency. We need to know what we are debating.”


The 1000 ‘other’ crimes paint a less than sterling picture of the situation in and around asylum locations. In total, the police registered 4600 crimes committed by asylum seekers in 2018. Shoplifting (2030 cases) was popular, followed by pickpocketing, stealing purses, physical abuse and making threats.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6522403   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Israel's secret weapon, the Talpiot program. What is the Talpiot Program? Who steals US high tech?And why is the US high technology sector being transferred to Israel? What is Israel's role in the developments regarding 5G, the Internet of Things and Smart Grid? Netanyahu can get away with murder because Israel controls the worlds high technology sector - over and above even the US. The Israeli lobby in the United States rules. Until we target specifically this control of the high technology sector and specifically The Talpiot Program, we will all continue to wonder how Israel gets away with all it does. It is a racist state of the most odious kind. But who will stand up to them? From medical nano technology to cyber security to private hacking companies to military technology to police databases, banking, finance and medical - Israel runs them all. This is Israel's false flag nuke.


  1. The Talpiot Program remains Israel's primary foundation of it's power. Few talk about it. 2. Israel steals U.S high technology and hands it over to Russia, China and even Iran. 3. Intel and AMD CPU's both have hardware backdoors. Intel via the Intel Management System. AMD via a similar "on die" separate CPU with it's own Linux based O.S - The Arc Processor. 4. The Arc processor is tiny and fills The Internet Of Things and the Smart Cities Program. It will soon be back dooring your personal Rabbinic Gollem Robot. 5. Israel is leading the technology end of the One Belt One Road project - central to the BRICS. 6. Anti-Zionist hard cores are over joyed by the BRICS…which is controlled by Israel :-D 7. Saudi and the Gulf States have been terrified into Netanyahu's arms by the Persian Empire building of Rouhani and The Reformist Crew. All with giant Swiss bank accounts. Ahmedinejad called for unity of Sunni and Shia, Arab and Persian. Rouhani's crew have done everything they can to destroy it and done the bidding of Israel and The Oded Yinon Plan - broken up the Middle East and destroyed Arab nationalism. 8. China and Russia are now both the official Great Power enemies of the United States. Funny that Israel, on the public record as the number one supplier of their high tech is not on the official enemy list of the United States. In fact they have their own Shelden Adelson puppet president in there.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6522414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beijing Backs Iran, "Firmly Opposes" Unilateral US Sanctions


In the latest sign of Beijing's frustration with the US, the Chinese leadership have reiterated their opposition to American sanctions against Iran. After a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Chinese Foregin Minister Wang Yi reiterated Beijing's 'firm opposition' to unilateral US sanctions against Iran.





With the US moving more firepower into the Persian Gulf, an attempt to send Tehran an unmistakable message, Zarif asked Beijing to try and save the 2015 nuclear deal, WSJ reports.


Zarif's meeting with his Chinese counterpart is the first step on a tour of Asia, as Iran canvasses its key economic partners now that US sanctions have been reimposed.


Mr. Zarif’s visit to China, where he will meet his Chinese counterpart, is part of a longer trip that includes other key economic partners Russia, Japan and India. It comes amid growing tensions between Washington and Tehran, which spiked over the past week when the U.S., citing unspecified intelligence, deployed an aircraft carrier, a bomber task force and other personnel to the Middle East.


The Iranian embassy in China said on Twitter that Mr. Zarif had "arrived in Beijing to maintain consultations between all-weather friends in the wake of new efforts to manufacture unnecessary tensions."


China’s Foreign Ministry confirmed Mr. Zarif’s visit but declined to release further information.


The Iranian situation is difficult for Beijing, said Yin Gang, a Middle East politics expert with the government-backed Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He said the conflict isn’t simply between the U.S. and Iran but between Arab states and Iran. China, Mr. Yin said, "wants a balanced diplomacy in the Middle East, and hopes to make friends and do business with everyone."


China imports crude from Iran and has expressed reservations about US sanctions in the past. However, given the state of the relationship between Washington and Beijing, the Chinese appear to be signaling that a proxy war over Iran could be just around the corner if Washington doesn't seriously reevaluate its approach.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6522437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fmr. Mexican Governor, Judge Took Cartel Bribes, Says U.S. Treasury


A former Mexican governor and a ranking state judge are the latest politicians outed by the U.S. Department of Treasury for for allegedly accepting bribes. One of the named cartels is violent to the point that some U.S. officials are considering labeling the group a foreign terrorist organization.


Former Nayarit Governor Roberto Sandoval Castaneda was named by the Treasury Department under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, which targets individuals allegedly involved in serious human rights abuses and corruption. Federal authorities also outed the politician’s immediate family. U.S. officials claim that throughout his political career, Sandoval Castaneda stole state assets and received bribes from several cartels, including Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) and the Beltran Leyva, in exchange for information and protection.

Anonymous ID: c220b0 May 17, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6522493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2497

DiGenova: “Durham Already Used a Grand Jury, Has the Documents, Talked to Intel People – Been on the Case a Couple of Months”


VIDEO: “Digenova shares the conclusion of the OIG report on FISA abuse: Horowitz found that THREE FISA renewals were obtained ILLEGALLY”