Anonymous ID: cd114a May 17, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.6522051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2564

Please check to see if

Peter W. Smith

is in the suicide list


Was digging into some new info on Michael Flynn and ran across his name, hadn't seen it before.

Smith committed suicide in 2017

With helium

And a note that said "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER"



(yes, I know. Post contains a decent summary of the most relevant facts in the case.)


The thing that stood out to me here was that Smith had been doing business with David Brock as early as 1992!


"In September 1992, during the presidential campaign, Smith started to donate funds to the private investigation of President Clinton’s sexual conduct and to try and persuade the mainstream media to cover Bill Clinton’s sex life.


His effort included him reaching out to David Brock in October 1992, and he paid $25,000.00 over 2 years to Eddie Mahe. This led to Smith giving Brock $5,000.00 to research a sexual rumour about Bill Clinton and Arkansas — that he had a child with a black prostitute (Danney Williams) — which provided zero results. This was partly due to Smith also bankrolling Cliff Jackson.


In August 1993, Smith introduced Brock to various Arkansas state troopers who later accused Bill Clinton of using them to procure women while he was the Governor of Arkansas, in an event that would later be titled “Troopergate”. Smith mentioned his desire to create a fund for the troopers should they face backlash, which Brock disagreed with.


To resolve the issue, Smith redirected Brock to Porter under Jackson’s request to discuss further and to assist Paula Jones, and while Brock assumed the topic had been dealt with — that there would be no payments — Smith then paid the Arkansas state troopers and their lawyers $22,600.00.


In January 1994, Brock published the article “His Cheating’ Heart” in The American Spectator.


In March 1994, Smith had spent a total of $80,000.00 on the private investigation into President Clinton’s sexual conduct. It was this month that he paid two of the Arkansas state troopers and their lawyers $22,6000.00.


By April 1995, Smith was considered a close confidant and adviser to Newt Gingrich, having donated roughly $109,000.00 to Gingrich and associated ventures, including the previously named GOPAC."


I'd never even heard of this guy before. The Medium piece blew my mind. It closes with this:


"On March 4, 2019, Representative Jerry Nadler sent a letter to numerous people associated with the Trump-Russia investigation, including the estate of Peter W. Smith, to request documents."

Anonymous ID: cd114a May 17, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6522071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2078


As of last night, Carpe Donktum is back up

Said he had to delete the tweet that caused the problem, but he was on his way to Washington and said something about "next week too important to be away from platform"

Anonymous ID: cd114a May 17, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6522385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2405

NYPost delivering the latest sleazy details about the NXIVM circus.

See the article for pics of the "toys"

Starting to hope the eventual sentencing for Raniere includes de-nutting him with a cattle castrator. Pic related.

Might not cure his sociopathy/narcissism, but it'd make a big difference.


Testimony in the Nxivm trial turned steamy Friday as a witness described in graphic detail more than $900 in sex toys purchased by one of Keith Raniere’s alleged slaves.


The bevy of X-rated items included a hanging rubber strap cage for $299.95, studded rubber paddle and a remote “puppy trainer” that’s “perfect for puppy play or naughty slaves,” the witness, Sean Welch, testified in Brooklyn federal court.


Welch, the chief technology officer of sex-toy manufacturer XR LLC, said the $922.74 worth of toys were delivered to Daniela Padilla, a member of the alleged sex cult’s secret society called DOS, at her Albany-area home.


They were purchased on the website


“These are not for puppies?” asked prosecutor Moira Penza.


“Yes,” Welch answered.


Padilla’s May 26, 2017 order also included a thigh sling with wrist cuffs — which Welch described as allowing “you [to] call the shots while your submissive partner is restrained and at your mercy” — and a “subdued” full-body strap set he said is used to “paralyze your partner.”


Two days later, another order in Padilla’s name was placed, this time for $1,730.90 worth of sex toys, such as a steel “puppy” cage, a wireless vibrating remote “puppy” plug, a “puppy” play hood with breathable ball gag and a bed restraint kit.


That order never went through, however, because of an issue with payment and shipping, Welch said.


Jurors had no visible reaction as they perused photos of the toys admitted as evidence in Raniere’s sex-trafficking trial, now in its second week.


Welch was not asked how — or if — the toys were used by the twisted upstate group.


“It’s 100 percent legal to buy these items?” asked defense lawyer Marc Agnifilo.


“Yes,” Welch said.

Anonymous ID: cd114a May 17, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6522429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2532


JZ Knight? Haven't heard her name since the 1990's! What a has-been!

LMAO, she's just a fraud and grifter with a crazy shtick

"Ramtha", my hind foot

A crooked New Age "evangelist" who had an act so fruity that some stupid people actually bought it

Ignore/block JZ Knight

Anonymous ID: cd114a May 17, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6522455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Saw that De Blasio's communist/CIA family had hit the notables this morning

Also saw it here last night


Check this New York Public Radio interview he did a while back. Transcript in link (too long to post)


"Between losing his leg in WWII and his tragic suicide in 1979, Bill de Blasio's father forged a career with think tanks and multinational corporations aimed at blocking the spread of communism. A decade after his death, his son was in Nicaragua, working in support of the kind of socialist government his father's old colleagues tried to prevent in Latin America.


Bill de Blasio never got to talk to his troubled father about his 1988 trip to aid Sandinista-led Nicaragua or his 1991 honeymoon in Castro's Cuba. Warren Wilhelm was already gone, having shot himself in 1979 while suffering from terminal cancer…


…There is much that remains unknown about the careers of both brothers. Both have been, at one time or another, the subject of rumors that they worked with American intelligence agencies. Asked directly "about the CIA – both the family lore around your uncle Donald and your father, were there there ever jokes about the dinner table about the CIA, or any CIA connections in the family?" de Blasio answered "No. Not at all anything like that or specific like that , I think there was always the reference to my uncle and the relationship with the Shah, more from the perspective of what was wrong with the Shah."