Anonymous ID: 466f49 May 17, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6522812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

something i thought about for awhile.

On twitter in my stream i will see a certain type of twitter account( MAGA, lots of stars, flags, flower,heart emojis by their name)

Usually their picture is a pretty young woman

Those type of accounts seem to always tweet out things that sound or appear to be against anything muslim.

Like they will focus on muslims praying, ( We can't allow this in America) type posts.

They will also post about gun control, abortion, other hot topic issues.


I was wondering if some of them are fake maga plants, to try and make republicans/ trump supporters look bad.

Posting about things to try and make people mad( at other races/religions), make supporters of Trump seem racist.

Keeping them( their followers) distracted on those issues, instead of tweeting about Good things Trump has done, or news regarding the Russia Hoax and ongoing investigations.

( seems like they are trying to stroke anger and war between Americans)


Just started looking into this.

When i see one of those tweets, i go to their page and check ouit their other tweets to see if there is a pattern of trying to mislead.


Have any other twitterFags noticed this?