Anonymous ID: 5a7f73 May 17, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6522995   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3120

-"I'll rape your daughter and your wife then you tell me what you wanna do. You piece of shit…"

-"Wish I could punch your dumbass face in you f****n mook I wish rape upon every female in your family so they are FORCED to have a child."

-"Hope you daughter gets raped g"

-"I hope your wife and daughter are both brutally raped"

-"You f*g idiot!!!! I hope you get raped up the a"

-"I hope your dad rapes you so your opinion can be valid"

-"You are a f*g retard. Wish your mom aborted you… hope your daughters have a million abortions"

-"You are the best reason for abortion I have ever encountered. It is a crime that your mother failed to exercise her right…One can only hope that by some happening that error in judgment is remedied. This is not a threat but a hope, a wish, that you, and all who think like you do, are permanently silenced."

-"You're a f*g piece of st. I hope I get to meet you one day and show your face how I feel."

-"Absolute f*g idiot tw*t… Abort all three of your already born children."

-"Well you are the exact reason for abortion… feel bad for your kids they are going to turn out like scum just like their dad."

-"Come to Reading you're getting slashed g"

-"…I'll have you clapped mate"

-"Kill yourself"

-"Kill yourself. Your family would be better off."

-"You should jump off a bridge… You don't deserve to walk the planet you piece of s**t."

-"I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself but if I read an article headlined "Blogger Matt Walsh dead by apparent suicide, let's just say I'd have a beer."